Why we can't use NPC classes? NPC's classes > PC classes.. Mainly nec and frost mage.

I'm a huge TES fan. My first TES game was Oblivion and I have hundreds of hours in every single TES game, and yes, this includes Arena and Daggerfall. Here is my time played in STEAM.


And so far, my greatest critique towards ESO is the class design. Where are iconic stuff like Imperial Battlemages, very common in Cyrodiil?

Pick necromancer class for eg, this class is the second worst necromancer which I saw in a RPG, losing only to inquisition. Meanwhile, NPC necromancers are so cool. They can cast a bone spear similar do Diablo 2, can raise lots of different types of undead and empower them (source : https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Necromancer_(NPC_class) )

While PC necromancers can cast a flamming skull, bone armor, bone totems, anything, except raising the dead. And this is sad cuz think in how great necromancy in line with TES lore could be. A underground guild selling black soul gems, in direct competition with mages guild. Other class which NPC version is extremely better than PC is the Frost Mage and Chillfiend(source : https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Chillfiend and https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Frost_Mage ), it has a basic good damage spell and basic good CC. Warden lacks a single single target good offensive spammable spell. I never played as one cuz I already lost money paying for the """necromancer""" class which can't raise or command undead and his undeads are glorified normal attacks.

Even vampires, NPC's vampries get to summon Bound Hemoptera and sacrifice it to heal themselves. PC vampires can't do it. But TBH PC vampires get SOME cool stuff like Mistform which NPC's don't get.

Edited by ZOS_Icy on August 14, 2023 5:14PM
  • ZOS_Icy

    This thread has been moved to the Combat & Character Mechanics section, as it is better suited there.

    Thank you for your understanding.
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