Its been a while everyone!
How are you all doing?
I took a break from playing eso for work reasons back in 2021.
My gameplay with eso had stagnated a little with only really having endgame achievements left to complete, thinking that content would at least build up for me to play when I come back.
And there is. Two whole years almost of content.
High Isle and now Necrom. I am so tempted to jump back in and at least skyshard hunt or do the fishing with the time I have.
But every time I dip my toes in for a crafting writ or siege merit as of late (2023).
I have 230 ping from the average 70-90 and IC is 345 for the average 90-120.
I have tried to ignore this, but now its every log in. It was/is easy to just say " oh ill wait until they have fixed the issues" " they must have just had a patch" "when I come back to the game it will be better and fixed"
I am just lying to myself.
Its been years and these issue are not any better, they are actually worse.
Where is the future of ESO going to be if I wait even longer?.
Its really a shame to see this degradation happen. My fear is that the next 4 years are not going to be any different, ES 6 will release and the player base for ESO will drop off considerably.
Coming here to the forums to get an explanation, & to see others are experiencing similar situations. Just to see every post being flagged and closed by ZOS for
"As there are multiple threads discussing latency, we have decided to close this thread. Our help article linked below offers different troubleshooting you can try for latency issues while playing ESO.
This is beyond an simple latency issue and no matter how many times you port forward and reset your router this is not going to get better.
Stop shutting these discussions down.
You know & we know this game needs a massive kick in the pants for performance.
But is seems like this back and forth, talking about fixes for the last 4 years and its now gotten even worse.
Is this a case of "its gotta get worse before it gets better"? Or is this just blatant ZOS don't give a S*&t anymore.
"The game works for the most part so *shurgs, who cares about following through with the "FIX"?
I don't want this to be a giant dump on ZOS, I just want to know if they are ever going to follow through with a fix and have a more conducive discussion here on the forums other than a palm off as if its our network issues.
I really do look forward to coming back to something fun and playable for future content.