Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Can someone tell me how to do a 25k Take Flight damage on a PVP player?

I was playing NB vamp, getting ready for the 64% crit build once they change the cloak to have always on crit, but then I was hit by this. Now I want to be DK but I don't know what type of build this is. Can you guys help me? I know it's a broken build but if you can't beat them BE THEM!!


This was the same guy for all hits. I know about corrosive armor and usually that's how they get me but I am not seeing that in the recap. I've never been hit with a 25k take flight ever in ESO.... up until now. Even if he was able to somehow hit corrosive and get back his ulti.What I do know is that ESO+ allowed a lot of people to gain more people to get dungeon and trial sets as there were a flow of people who were allowed to increase drop rates of items in dungeons usually few people have.

So I am guessing this person completed his perfect broken build. Unless this is a known one. Anybody can tell me what it is? I will be honest I don't keep up with the new sets. So I might be lacking info on that part.
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on August 7, 2023 3:11AM
  • ArchMikem
    Engulfing Flames lowered your resist by a ton, and since you're a NB I'm sure that made you super squishy.
    CP2,000 Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Hyperdeathstalker
    Sea serpent, burning spell weave , balrogh with ult at 500, and clever alchemist proc , all infused jewels , will achieve this
  • Jierdanit
    If he was grouped its most likely he had a friend wearing Cryptcanon Vestments (https://eso-hub.com/en/sets/cryptcanon-vestments) who gave him ulti in and he leaped you in corrosive with a very high damage build.

    If he was solo simply running a full damage build with balorgh might achieve this if youre on the squishier side, though 25k still seems very high for that.
    How much resists and crit resist do you have on your build?
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    Engulfing Flames lowered your resist by a ton, and since you're a NB I'm sure that made you super squishy.

    Engulfing doesnt actually reduce your resistances though, it does increase the targets damage taken from flame attacks.
    Edited by Jierdanit on August 6, 2023 10:16PM
    PC/EU, StamSorc Main
  • JerBearESO
    Take flight is physical isn't it? I would say he's just running massive damage and crit hard with a full balorgh
  • Dr_Con
    corossive armor + cryptcanon vestment support into take flight w/ crit
    Edited by Dr_Con on August 6, 2023 11:31PM
  • NyassaV
    Probably caught you with your buff down while they were buffed up.
    Flawless Conqueror ~ Grand Overlord
    She/Her ~ PC/NA | I record things for fun and for info
  • ZOS_Hadeostry

    After further review we have decided to move this thread to a category we think is more appropriate for this topic, as it deals with a PvP build.

    Thank you for your understanding
    Staff Post
  • SkaraMinoc
    Take Flight is the hardest hitting ultimate in the game, excluding Gravity Crush, Animate Blastbones, and Colossus. The coefficients are even greater than Assassin's Will. So while this damage seems high, it's not entirely unexpected.

    You might have also been guard punctured for +30% damage taken. Even without guard puncture, 25k Take Flight is possible because I've landed 20k Dawnbreakers in battlegrounds and DB coefficients are 35% less damage than Take Flight.

    Edited by SkaraMinoc on August 7, 2023 5:14PM
    PC NA
  • Redguards_Revenge
    SkaraMinoc wrote: »
    Take Flight is the hardest hitting ultimate in the game, excluding Gravity Crush, Animate Blastbones, and Colossus. The coefficients are even greater than Assassin's Will. So while this damage seems high, it's not entirely unexpected.

    You were also probably guard punctured for +30% damage taken. Hard to say from the screenshot. Even without guard puncture, 25k Take Flight is possible because I've landed 20k Dawnbreakers in battlegrounds and DB coefficients are 35% less damage than Take Flight.

    I think he was able to corrosive armor since it's 12 sec with balorgh and then get his ulti up to do a second ulti.....I will try to catch this on camera to confirm.
    Edited by Redguards_Revenge on August 7, 2023 5:14PM
  • Kartalin
    >> Some of your equipment is badly damaged and in need of repair

    If you look at the death recap this is the first tip given, meaning that your armor value was probably much lower than it otherwise should have been. It doesn’t take nearly as much penetration when you’ve already accomplished debuffing your armor quite well on your own. Also the take flight was likely a crit with a decent crit damage modifier as others have mentioned.
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
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    • Lyranais, EP Magsorc, AR 33
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    SkaraMinoc wrote: »
    Take Flight is the hardest hitting ultimate in the game, excluding Gravity Crush, Animate Blastbones, and Colossus. The coefficients are even greater than Assassin's Will. So while this damage seems high, it's not entirely unexpected.

    You might have also been guard punctured for +30% damage taken. Even without guard puncture, 25k Take Flight is possible because I've landed 20k Dawnbreakers in battlegrounds and DB coefficients are 35% less damage than Take Flight.

    You can hit 20k single blastbones still so definitely don't need guard puncture for Take Flight.
  • SkaraMinoc
    SkaraMinoc wrote: »
    Take Flight is the hardest hitting ultimate in the game, excluding Gravity Crush, Animate Blastbones, and Colossus. The coefficients are even greater than Assassin's Will. So while this damage seems high, it's not entirely unexpected.

    You might have also been guard punctured for +30% damage taken. Even without guard puncture, 25k Take Flight is possible because I've landed 20k Dawnbreakers in battlegrounds and DB coefficients are 35% less damage than Take Flight.

    You can hit 20k single blastbones still so definitely don't need guard puncture for Take Flight.

    Take Flight = 0.216801 MaxStat + 2.27641 MaxPower
    Dawnbreaker of Smiting = 0.15495 MaxStat + 1.62698 MaxPower
    Stalking Blastbones = 0.15495 MaxStat + 1.62698 MaxPower

    Blastbones OP

    I bet you could make a Blastbones spamming build and still do quite well. I might try that sometime for fun.

    Edited by SkaraMinoc on August 8, 2023 5:19PM
    PC NA
  • Theignson
    Death recap numbers are frequently inaccurate, especially on the high end.

    To see the true damage always use combat metrics
  • JerBearESO
    SkaraMinoc wrote: »
    SkaraMinoc wrote: »
    Take Flight is the hardest hitting ultimate in the game, excluding Gravity Crush, Animate Blastbones, and Colossus. The coefficients are even greater than Assassin's Will. So while this damage seems high, it's not entirely unexpected.

    You might have also been guard punctured for +30% damage taken. Even without guard puncture, 25k Take Flight is possible because I've landed 20k Dawnbreakers in battlegrounds and DB coefficients are 35% less damage than Take Flight.

    You can hit 20k single blastbones still so definitely don't need guard puncture for Take Flight.

    Take Flight = 0.216801 MaxStat + 2.27641 MaxPower
    Dawnbreaker of Smiting = 0.15495 MaxStat + 1.62698 MaxPower
    Stalking Blastbones = 0.15495 MaxStat + 1.62698 MaxPower

    Blastbones OP

    I bet you could make a Blastbones spamming build and still do quite well. I might try that sometime for fun.

    I made a somewhat blastbones focus oaken build. It is pretty nice. Running agility, molag kena, relequen. Orc. Using lightning staff so you HA weave with blastbones and fit in a double light to power up the little guy, which also powers rele.

    I like that setup because I get ele sus, blastbones fire morph of course, spirit guardian, vigor, and heal tether with dawnbreaker for a pretty nice amount of healing, pressure, and some burst, without needing to take ANY Regen. I haven't bothered grabbing vamp yet but I imagine it would be pretty sweet since there's very little resource management to worry about
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    Theignson wrote: »
    Death recap numbers are frequently inaccurate, especially on the high end.

    To see the true damage always use combat metrics

    Not knocking it at all because everyone should absolutely use it, but Combat Metrics can also be incorrect in situations where you receive overkill damage - IIRC, Combat Metrics won't show the full value of damage on an enemy if you kill the enemy with that damage.

    If an enemy has 5k health, and I hit them with a 20k blastbones, it's only going to show up in Combat Metrics as 5k.

    Damage numbers (like the floating numbers above someone's head) and /encounterlog are the best ways to see true damage values.
  • xHotguy6pack
    I hi someone with a 36K leap awhile ago during midyear. I have the clip somewhere.
  • DrNukenstein
    Yeah I remember when I was new to the class too. Other classes sure can hit you harder than you can hit them until you pick up all the free defense and sustain that is available and itemize properly.

    The thing about crit chance on nightblades is you don't build into it. You use your innate bonuses and class mechanics to ignore it.

    If you run 64% crit chance you are probably running a light armor bias and are ignoring the stats that will actually boost your damage or keep you alive. You can totally get that leap down to 15k just by picking up some crit resist, keeping resolves up, balancing armor weights, and using Major Evasion. Also, consider dropping vamp 3 unless you're a dark elf.

    No one gets hit that hard by a leap unless they had absolutely 0 consideration towards survivability. Post your build with your impen 3l1m3h armor loadout if I'm wrong.
  • El_Borracho
    That's not unheard of. I run DK with Order's Wrath + Mara's + Markyn + Balorgh and can get that, or near it, on softer builds. Especially on a gank build. That ultimate can get ever nastier if you hit them with Chains of Devastation first.
  • SkaraMinoc
    Corrosive Take Flight

    PC NA
  • Urzigurumash
    I hit a 40k before, no joke, years ago before there was baseline Crit Resist. Might've been a bugged tip, seems hard to believe now but I remember it well.
    Xbox NA AD / Day 1 ScrubDK / Wood Orc Cuisine Enthusiast
  • Theignson
    SkaraMinoc wrote: »
    Corrosive Take Flight


    I can confirm there is a DK constantly hitting leaps with Corrosive on. It must be the corosive armor + cryptcanon vestment mentioned above since he is in a duo.

    I don't know what anyone else thinks, but having 2 Ultis up at once seems to me contrary to very basic ESO game play. I don't know if this was the intended use of the Vestments set, but it seems quite broken.

    What will we see going forward, Sorcs using negate + Power over load at once, or NB using Incap plus soul tether?

  • JerBearESO
    Theignson wrote: »
    SkaraMinoc wrote: »
    Corrosive Take Flight


    I can confirm there is a DK constantly hitting leaps with Corrosive on. It must be the corosive armor + cryptcanon vestment mentioned above since he is in a duo.

    I don't know what anyone else thinks, but having 2 Ultis up at once seems to me contrary to very basic ESO game play. I don't know if this was the intended use of the Vestments set, but it seems quite broken.

    What will we see going forward, Sorcs using negate + Power over load at once, or NB using Incap plus soul tether?

    You can actually build to double incap without cryptcannon, so maybe triple incap is coming?
  • cuddles_with_wroble
    that is def corrosive cryptcannon setup, just find a duo whos willing to run double buff sets plus crypt cannon for you and you can do this damage easilly
  • cuddles_with_wroble
    Theignson wrote: »
    SkaraMinoc wrote: »
    Corrosive Take Flight


    I can confirm there is a DK constantly hitting leaps with Corrosive on. It must be the corosive armor + cryptcanon vestment mentioned above since he is in a duo.

    I don't know what anyone else thinks, but having 2 Ultis up at once seems to me contrary to very basic ESO game play. I don't know if this was the intended use of the Vestments set, but it seems quite broken.

    What will we see going forward, Sorcs using negate + Power over load at once, or NB using Incap plus soul tether?

    i think corrosive leaps are actually just the best case use for this, theres pretty much nothing that will net you more damage than this
  • Theignson
    Theignson wrote: »
    SkaraMinoc wrote: »
    Corrosive Take Flight


    I can confirm there is a DK constantly hitting leaps with Corrosive on. It must be the corosive armor + cryptcanon vestment mentioned above since he is in a duo.

    I don't know what anyone else thinks, but having 2 Ultis up at once seems to me contrary to very basic ESO game play. I don't know if this was the intended use of the Vestments set, but it seems quite broken.

    What will we see going forward, Sorcs using negate + Power over load at once, or NB using Incap plus soul tether?

    i think corrosive leaps are actually just the best case use for this, theres pretty much nothing that will net you more damage than this

    It was only hitting me for 15-16k, but still I find the whole idea offensive , lol
  • StaticWave
    I was playing NB vamp, getting ready for the 64% crit build once they change the cloak to have always on crit, but then I was hit by this. Now I want to be DK but I don't know what type of build this is. Can you guys help me? I know it's a broken build but if you can't beat them BE THEM!!


    This was the same guy for all hits. I know about corrosive armor and usually that's how they get me but I am not seeing that in the recap. I've never been hit with a 25k take flight ever in ESO.... up until now. Even if he was able to somehow hit corrosive and get back his ulti.What I do know is that ESO+ allowed a lot of people to gain more people to get dungeon and trial sets as there were a flow of people who were allowed to increase drop rates of items in dungeons usually few people have.

    So I am guessing this person completed his perfect broken build. Unless this is a known one. Anybody can tell me what it is? I will be honest I don't keep up with the new sets. So I might be lacking info on that part.

    Probably a Warden healer + DK duo. Warden with ult gen sets and Cryptcanon Vestment, and DK in Acuity + SSC and whatever dmg set. Warden funnels ulti for DK to use Corrosive and another ulti right after. One of the best duo setups rn in the game.
    Edited by StaticWave on August 15, 2023 9:51AM
    PC NA

    Static Wave - AD stamsorc

  • Jierdanit
    Theignson wrote: »
    SkaraMinoc wrote: »
    Corrosive Take Flight


    I can confirm there is a DK constantly hitting leaps with Corrosive on. It must be the corosive armor + cryptcanon vestment mentioned above since he is in a duo.

    I don't know what anyone else thinks, but having 2 Ultis up at once seems to me contrary to very basic ESO game play. I don't know if this was the intended use of the Vestments set, but it seems quite broken.

    What will we see going forward, Sorcs using negate + Power over load at once, or NB using Incap plus soul tether?

    It should simply not be possible to earn ult while you are in corrosive. All the "similar" ults like Scion or Goliath already have that implemented, probably because it would simply be too strong to be able to use an ult in them.

    Corrosive is already the strongest ultimate in the game by quite a lot, it definitely does need to be nerfed in some ways and removing ult gen while in corro would be a good start imo.
    PC/EU, StamSorc Main
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    Jierdanit wrote: »
    Theignson wrote: »
    SkaraMinoc wrote: »
    Corrosive Take Flight


    I can confirm there is a DK constantly hitting leaps with Corrosive on. It must be the corosive armor + cryptcanon vestment mentioned above since he is in a duo.

    I don't know what anyone else thinks, but having 2 Ultis up at once seems to me contrary to very basic ESO game play. I don't know if this was the intended use of the Vestments set, but it seems quite broken.

    What will we see going forward, Sorcs using negate + Power over load at once, or NB using Incap plus soul tether?

    It should simply not be possible to earn ult while you are in corrosive. All the "similar" ults like Scion or Goliath already have that implemented, probably because it would simply be too strong to be able to use an ult in them.

    Corrosive is already the strongest ultimate in the game by quite a lot, it definitely does need to be nerfed in some ways and removing ult gen while in corro would be a good start imo.

    I've suggested this time and time again. Absolutely no reason you should be able to generate ult while being functionally immortal.
  • Redguards_Revenge
    Jierdanit wrote: »
    Theignson wrote: »
    SkaraMinoc wrote: »
    Corrosive Take Flight


    I can confirm there is a DK constantly hitting leaps with Corrosive on. It must be the corosive armor + cryptcanon vestment mentioned above since he is in a duo.

    I don't know what anyone else thinks, but having 2 Ultis up at once seems to me contrary to very basic ESO game play. I don't know if this was the intended use of the Vestments set, but it seems quite broken.

    What will we see going forward, Sorcs using negate + Power over load at once, or NB using Incap plus soul tether?

    It should simply not be possible to earn ult while you are in corrosive. All the "similar" ults like Scion or Goliath already have that implemented, probably because it would simply be too strong to be able to use an ult in them.

    Corrosive is already the strongest ultimate in the game by quite a lot, it definitely does need to be nerfed in some ways and removing ult gen while in corro would be a good start imo.

    I've suggested this time and time again. Absolutely no reason you should be able to generate ult while being functionally immortal.

    I know and corrosive lasts longer than shield ult...which is simply insane...
  • FangOfTheTwoMoons
    This is one of the cheesiest things I've ever encountered in this game. It almost feels like an exploit. Something needs to be done about it.

    You should never be able to build ult in corrosive. Period.
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