It's hard to say if BGs are more difficult or not. If you don't do great at 1v1s then you might find it harder. If you're a pretty good player you might find it easier.
BGs are a good place to go if Cyrodiil has got you down because 1) you're getting zerged down a lot today, or, 2) CP makes people stronger and you're tired of nobody ever dying or running out of resources.
BGs are a little faster paced in that time to kill is lower. Lag is fairly nonexistent because of less people. And with 3 teams and a possibility of multiple objectives the fights get spread out and you can find lots of 1v1s, 1v2s, 2v1s, and 2v2s. Also obviously some 3v1s and 2v1v4s but for obvious reasons things can never get as astronomical as in cyrodiil. It's good small-scale.
If you solo que then your teammates and your opponents will be random. If you group when you can pick your teammates but your opponents will still be random (but probably picked eachother.)
Here's what I think Zama, and please don't take offense. But I've read a lot of your threads and I understand you to be still in the process of learning. I think BGs would be great for you.
Most importantly you've never done a BG before so when you first start the game will match you against other (mostly,) beginners. Some will be your skill level. Some will be worse. I think you'll do very well for a week or two and then, once the game stops recognizing you as a beginner, things will be a little harder.
If I were you-- because I remember you trying to tank up and provide group utility for cyrodiil-- I'd go back to a more 1v1 oriented damage build (don't go full glass cannon just really really focus on and practice killing people,) and I think you'll get a lot of experience in a side of the game you haven't necessary experienced yet.
The sometimes unfair nature of cyrodiil has perhaps taught you that you need to be able to survive insane odds and damage. The more fair landscape of BGs will perhaps give you a chance to "fight" more, and I'd take advantage of it if I were you.
BGs are a lot more small scale fights than Cyro.
So if you were mainly fighting in big groups in Cyro you might find BGs quite a bit harder.
However you're obviously not going to be outnumbered to the scales you can be outnumbered in Cyro.
How good the players are at least to some extent depends on your mmr (basically calculated by how much you played I think).
At the start you're going to usually get weaker opponents and the more you play the better the average player is going to become. In the high mmr I'd say the average BG player is considerably better than the average player in Cyrodiil, though you are still going to find people who are not great there.
Clique-y is hard to say. You definitely have quite a lot of players who are going to know each other and in some instances at least won't help you kill people that they know.
Although if you get into Deathmatch usually everyone is going to fight eachother.
Main difference between Cyro and BGs is.that BGs are a lot more fast paced, you're going to barely spend any time in BGs outside of a fight (unless you're dead or avoiding PvP on purpose).
Imo you're going to learn a lot more about fighting other players in BGs than cyro, since you're way more likely to get fights with fair odds instead of zerging people down or getting zerged down.
@OBJnoob Dood!!! I ALWAYS APPRECIATE HONEST FEEDBACK!!! Along with your expertise! Thanks for being that voice!
@Jierdanit very helpful, I'd say I'm weakest at this a good place to learn?
Um yeah, I've had my share of being Zerg'd
You're going to get 1v1 situations in BGs, though you're more likely to get small group encounters.
If you want to just 1v1 you'd better just find someone to duel, but BGs are going to help too.
BGs are easier. They are no CP so check your sets. Something like Way of Fire is going to be a lot more powerful in BGs than Cyro.
Overall, I like all the BGs but Capture the Relic. That has become a mess of 40K cheese tanks and players who exploit terrain features in the arena. But the other modes can be pretty fun and competitive, even with a pug group
I'll just throw out that below 50 BGs are a great way to become familiar with your class in a lower pressure environment than max level bgs. You can do a lot of leveling there with the bonus exp it offers, colovian tortes that advance your alliance skill lines faster are cheap enough to be handy also. Stack that with an experience scroll active and do your random normal dungeon as well as a daily bg and this is an easier way to level new characters too.
I leveled an arcanist this past weekend when double exp was active primarily by doing alikr dolmens while in queue for bgs (after level 10 at least), and also doing daily random normals. By the end I feel like I had a much better understanding of the class just through trial and error and seeing what worked.