OK I realise I'm probably going to get a bit of flack for this (nobody likes change / why fix if it's not broken etc) but I'm just interested to see if there is a consensus of opinion here.
Is it time we asked for the creation of Sub-Forums for each of the Platforms? PC / PS / Xbox?
The reason I ask, is that whenever I go to read recent Posts - I sometimes see something of 'interest' only to later find out it's a PC Add-on and not much use to Console players (of which I am one). I realise that there will be posts that relate to all platforms and these would still be posted in this 'general' forum' but perhaps specific posts could be made in the relevant sub-forum?
I appreicate this would probably mean a bit more work for the Moderators - those that run the forums, but would it be that much of an overhead?
Interested to hear what others think.