Couple years ago I had a Khajiit StamPlar, all three Alliance questlines completed and some of the DLC zones at the time. I have no real idea why I decided to delete her other than I wasn't playing her much at the time, and I guess I was in some sort of "spring cleaning" mindset. Now I really wish I still had her, not just because it'd be a character that already had all the Base Game content done, but because I've been really wanting to play a Templar that isn't my main Healer. I would just reroll one, but starting a new character over is super demoralizing for me, especially with just HOW MUCH content that's been released.
CP2,000 Master Explorer -
AvA One Star General -
Console Peasant -
The ClanQuest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!