Addon Help

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
Soul Shriven
I just started the game and added all the Addon suggestions on the sites I found while researching ESO Addons on the internet. Addons work fine, but one Addon created a small menu in the middle of my screen. I don't understand exactly what it does, but the point is, it's annoying when it just sits in the middle of my screen. I also don't know which Addon it is because I have installed too many Addons simultaneously. If anyone knows about the addon, how can I move it to another corner of the screen, or how can I remove it for good? Thanks.

I'd be very grateful if you could share exactly what it does :)

  • Parrot1986
    That’s combat metrics. If it doesn’t let you drag it in the screen, if you go into addon settings then there should be an option for unlock ui or move frame to let you move it wherever you want.

    Looks like you have bandits on as well and it has its damage option on (shows top left) is recommend turning this one off as it doesn’t do anything extra and might impact game performance.

    Combat metrics is generally considered the best one to have to track your own damage and see what makes it up.

    Edit: you can set it to a key bind in controls section or type /cmx into chat abd after a fight it gives a detailed parse view of your fights. Shoes what each skill damage was from highest to lowest, all your main stats like crit chance/damage etc and shows how effective your light attack weaving is.
    Edited by Parrot1986 on August 3, 2023 7:20AM
  • emreozer
    Soul Shriven
    Thank you very much for the information :)
  • Soarora
    I think if you press the button that makes your mouse appear you can just move it any time and there’s no lock/unlock for it. You can edit what shows up and what format the rectangle is in settings though.
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