I'm hoping an Ayleid outfit style will be created and added! It was pretty cool to see that the Direnni got a style added for them (in the form of the Balfieran Sentinel) and released in the Crown Crates, so I feel it's only fair that the Ayleids get a style added now too! Considering the Unfeathered Crates in the game currently offer an Umaril polymorph, I don't see why an Ayleid style hasn't been added along with it. There are Ayleid ruins scattered across all of Tamriel in ESO, so clearly, Ayleid armor should be accessible in theory. I get that the Ayleids are supposed to be extinct and that King Dynar uses ancient elf armor, but there must be a way to incorporate a newer and better style! On that note, the Direnni aren't really around much anymore in the second era either, but a decision was made to add some of their armor into the game (which is fantastic, I think they should consider adding more Direnni themed items). Lets get some Ayleid styles added now too!