I like the companion mechanism, and I've been OK (to varying levels) with the patter provided by them, but I have to say that Azandar is easily my favorite. So, thanks, I guess?
He's not my favourite since my top 2 are Isobel and Sharp, but I have to say Azandar has easily the best quests out of all of them. Really good quests, liked them a lot.
A: "We, as humans, should respect and take care of each other like in a Co-op, not a PvP 🌸"
B: "Too many words. Words bad. Won't read. ⚔️"
I like him. Azandar definitely qualifies for the "Old Men's Club." When a club meeting is called to order, they sit out on their front porch, shouting the club motto, "GET OFF MY LAWN!"
He is my favorite as well. I like not having to put him away anytime I do something inappropriate, like picking up a Thieves Trove. Also, if you kit him out with 100% purple smoothing healing gear, he can assist quite nicely in soloing dungeons. I just got my Abyssal Tea Set earlier today. Thus far, he is my favorite companion in the game.