honor guard , imperial, grim harlequin , and prophet gloves a few others are just fingerless gloves if u need gloves that aren't giant metal gauntlets
I can add that Sunspire light bracers are just bracelets, light Mazzatun are just wristbands (although they make wrists swelled up on some characters), and light Pyandonean is also just wrist bracelets.
Shara_Wynn wrote: »
All good options but perhaps I should have said, "hide the element from chest and leg pieces that give you a built in bracer/lower leg graphic please" instead.
For example take the Fang Lair motif. It has these blocky bracers built into the chest piece so that when I do try to use Mazzatun, Pyandonean, Prisoner, Celestial etc on the bracers, it is over shadowed by the blocky muckle built in bracer element from the chest piece.
There are also many other chest pieces that do this. And many of the leg pieces, particularly where they are in a shorter skirt style, seem to come with some kind of lower leg effect, which means that I cannot use motifs like Order of the Hour, Mazzatun or Prisoner on the feet to get a sandal effect without having some weird looking leg warmer/knee length sock effect.
I ask this as it covers up body markings which are often shown on the lower arms and legs, which then puts me off buying them as you can never see them unless all your characters are running around in Graht-Climber's Active Wear or Nordic Bather's Towel outfits.
As for the hip guards...
Ah first world problems eh