Just want to say how miserable it has been searching for Psijic portals in Southern Elsweyr

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Past two days I've been wandering up and down and all around the land trying to find these stupid portals. What a miserable antiquity grind.
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on November 15, 2024 9:38PM
  • Alinhbo_Tyaka
    If players don't farm runestones you won't get portals. If the area is fairly empty it is best to collect stones and develop a route. It can be work but from my experience it will increase your chances of spawning portals. You just have to hope for good luck that another player doesn't grab it before you can.
  • Tyrant_Tim
    When I farmed out my lead, I did a route by the Western Plains wayshrine…

    There should be a ton of Runestones to farm if you sweep through that area I marked.
    Edited by Tyrant_Tim on July 25, 2023 4:44AM
  • rpa
    Keep farming those runestones. Kutas and mundane runes will pile up.
  • Sarannah
    Personally I feel the entire concept of the psijjic portals is wrong, they should look like regular runestone nodes. Right now many players are only farming these portals, leaving anyone else with barely any(if any at all) to loot. (Same is happening with the platinum veins.)

    When looting runestones to spawn psijjic portals, but a person does not backtrack, they are basically not getting any psijjic portals. If these portals looked like regular runestones, everyone would on occasion run into one, if they farm runestones that is.

    Right now I feel like I'm only spawning psijjic portals for the person who comes into the same area after me. Instead of for myself. Make the game more for the players, than for the grinders.
    Edited by Sarannah on July 25, 2023 5:33AM
  • LannStone
    I have to say I found find those portals incredibly annoying the first time I did them.
    So much so that the next time I used an addon that shows them on the map as big white X's.
    Of course that's on PC.

  • Azriael2
    LannStone wrote: »
    I have to say I found find those portals incredibly annoying the first time I did them.
    So much so that the next time I used an addon that shows them on the map as big white X's.
    Of course that's on PC.

    Do you mind sharing this addon? I tweaked my Harvest Map to always show rune nodes, no matter if they are gathered or not, but it would be great to have something different for that :innocent:
    "Rise, red as the dawn."
  • Grizzbeorn
    Azriael2 wrote: »

    Do you mind sharing this addon? I tweaked my Harvest Map to always show rune nodes, no matter if they are gathered or not, but it would be great to have something different for that :innocent:

    LannStone isn't talking about the same thing that you are. What they are referring to are the time rifts one needs to seal when doing the Psijic quest-line.

    Edited by Grizzbeorn on July 25, 2023 8:28AM
      PC/NA Warden Main
    • Azriael2
      Grizzbeorn wrote: »

      LannStone isn't talking about the same thing that you are. What they are referring to are the time rifts one needs to seal when doing the Psijic quest-line.

      Oh, yeah, makes sense :dizzy: But it's still good to make sure I didn't miss any gamechanging addon, haha!
      "Rise, red as the dawn."
    • Four_Fingers
      I find them if I am not looking for them. :D
    • Vulkunne
      Its rough. Was not fun looking for leads. Best thing I can suggest is be there late late at night when hopefully few people are scrubbing the zone.
      Today Victory is mine. Long Live the Empire.
    • Vulkunne
      Tyrant_Tim wrote: »
      When I farmed out my lead, I did a route by the Western Plains wayshrine…

      There should be a ton of Runestones to farm if you sweep through that area I marked.

      Gold Star. Just like in other places, stick to the waterways. Number of reasons that makes this a good approach. Def would try and avoid hills which take time to cover and block view.
      Edited by Vulkunne on July 25, 2023 1:18PM
      Today Victory is mine. Long Live the Empire.
    • Blood_again
      Just to be sure. You have the Psyjic skill line activated on your character who you farm with, don't you?
      I missed this detail once and had very unsuccessful farming that day :)
    • StarOfElyon
      Yeah I'm on my main character who is a grand master crafter. Every resource passive is unlocked. I gather every resource I find. I'll just keep searching even though it's getting to be mind numbing.
      Edited by StarOfElyon on July 25, 2023 10:28PM
    • Vulkunne
      If this is about the portals, which those of us going to this zone looking for leads face same challenges, then you may wish to try something different.

      What I had to do eventually was get I wanna say the "Harvest Map Mod" and then, there was another site where you could get a file to plug-in to the mod and it would mark the portals on the map for you.

      So if this is what you want, perhaps there's a mod that can mark these portals and make life easier for you, make the quest more bearable. MapPins is another mod that maybe could help. Keep in mind this was couple years ago :D and I have refused to do this quest again ever since.

      If this is what you want I'd give up stumbling around in the dark and look for a better solution. Cause doing so helped me.
      Edited by Vulkunne on July 26, 2023 12:57AM
      Today Victory is mine. Long Live the Empire.
    • Blood_again
      Yeah I'm on my main character who is a grand master crafter. Every resource passive is unlocked. I gather every resource I find. I'll just keep searching even though it's getting to be mind numbing.

      Sorry for double check. Grandmaster Crafter and resource passives are not enough for gathering the portals.
      You need to have Summerset DLC or ESO+ and do a little the storyline in Summerset til opening the Psyjic skill line.

      From patchnotes here
      Psijic Portals
      Psijic Portals are invisible to the untrained eye - only those with the "See the Unseen" passive, granted as part of the Psijic Skill Line, can see these portals and interact with them.

      Without it you'll never see any psyjic portal. You'll always have simple rune nodes instead.
    • CGPsaint
      I grabbed a couple of friends and we worked in a circuit to farm all of the runestone nodes to force chances at psijic portal spawns. We all managed to knock out the lead in roughly 2-3 hours of farming. Once one of us got the lead we just stayed in the circuit and then called out portals when we found them.
    • gariondavey
      Yeah this lead, like so many others, was absolutely awful.

      I've said this before but we need ramping chances at lead drops.

      5 percent chance or whatever the default chance is can remain the same.
      If you don't get it after first attempt, add 20 percent chance.
      If you don't get it after second attempt, add another 20 percent.
      After 5 attempts you are at 85 percent, and if that fails you are garunteed the 6th attempt.

      Many of us are busy adults with careers and families. We don't have time to grind poorly designed leads. We want to be able to play the game and focus on the more fun things.

      If this suggestion was implemented, it would still require effort and work to get those leads, but it would stop it from being so time intensive and frustrating.

      A guild mate of mine has done over 50 runs of ndsa trying to get the death dealers fete lead. That's absurd.

      It took me 3+ weeks of 8-10 dailies for the markyn lead. That's just absurd.

      Please @ZOS_Kevin, can the development team look into this suggestion.
      PC NA @gariondavey, BG, IC & Cyrodiil Focused Since October 2017 Stamplar (main), Magplar, Magsorc, Stamsorc, StamDK, MagDK, Stamblade, Magblade, Magden, Stamden
    • Marcus684
      Yeah this lead was probably the worst grind for me as well. It took me probably 2 weeks of running a daily route with about 12 nodes 3-4 times each day for it to finally drop. I'd suggest spreading out the grind over several days like this rather than trying to get it in one long marathon session, for your sanity's sake.
    • StarOfElyon
      This is the absolute epitome of having better things to do. I have been taking all of your advice, btw.
      Edited by StarOfElyon on July 29, 2023 1:23AM
    • DreamyLu
      I like the psijiic portals. I find fair enough the way it works. They're not supposed to be easy farming.

      It's the same concept than other resources. For example, if we want platinum seams, we need to farm rubedite ores. Same for columbines with alchemy plants and any other low drop/spawn rate resources: we have to farm the lower tier to get the higher tier to spawn.

      Generally, I get an average of 5 portals per round.
      On days runestones are for daily endeavors, it get up to 20 portals, because suddenly, everybody farm runestones! :D

      In the end, it works like all other resources: the more we farm the lower tier, the more we get the higher tier.
      Edited by DreamyLu on July 29, 2023 4:01AM
      I'm out of my mind, feel free to leave a message... PC/NA
    • CGPsaint
      DreamyLu wrote: »
      I like the psijiic portals. I find fair enough the way it works. They're not supposed to be easy farming.

      My primary beef with this type of lead sourcing is that you are not even remotely likely to get this lead from through natural gameplay. There is sooooooo much to do in ESO and yet ZOS seems to think that they need to shoehorn us into micro-grinds to keep us busy, which 100% isn't the case.

    • StarOfElyon
      Finally found another Psijic portal. Unfortunately, no lead. lol
    • mattaeus01b16_ESO
      Past two days I've been wandering up and down and all around the land trying to find these stupid portals. What a miserable antiquity grind.

      Best thing to so instead of hoping to randomly step on one. Set some time aside, carve your self a path in an area and loot all the nodes there... And dont stop... Over and over.
      Once you get the timing down for respawns, it should become easier to far an area.
    • Dagraenion
      I am using the HarvestMap addon, and so it says that Psijic Portals should show as the Rune Gathering icon, so just to recap: Psijic Portals won't likely appear unless I gather those Runes first, right?
    • Gabriel_H
      Past two days I've been wandering up and down and all around the land trying to find these stupid portals. What a miserable antiquity grind.

      Find a suitable circle route. Short but packed with runestones. Farm the runestones until they spawn a portal.
    • Gabriel_H
      Dagraenion wrote: »
      I am using the HarvestMap addon, and so it says that Psijic Portals should show as the Rune Gathering icon, so just to recap: Psijic Portals won't likely appear unless I gather those Runes first, right?

      Correct. They spawn on the same nodes as runestones. If nobody is farming the runestones they won't respawn so won't spawn psijics.
      Edited by Gabriel_H on November 15, 2024 5:20PM
    • tsaescishoeshiner
      Maybe every lead that drops from Psijic Portals should have a smaller chance to drop from enchanting nodes.

      That way, you're not locked behind a double-rng of portal spawns and then lead chance, AND people are more incentivized to pick up runestones and not just only pick the portals. Would be nice.
      in-game: @tsaescishoeshiner
    • ZOS_Hadeostry

      We have closed this topic as it was originally created in July 2023. In many cases, it's better to create a new thread on a topic that you want to discuss as opposed to bumping one that is rather old.

      Thank you for your understanding.
      Staff Post
    This discussion has been closed.