Personality/Auto-Emote Addon Recommendations?

I've found and used two different addons for the purpose of auto-playing select emotes/mementos at select increments when standing idle to add a bit of extra personality to my personalities. (namely Personality Designer and Style and Elegance's built-in idle animation function) However I've hit a bit of a block. I stopped using Style and Elegance when I found a different styling addon I liked (Quick Fashion), but that addon had no feature like SnE's idle animations. So I tried straddling the two of them for a bit, just using SnE for the idle emotes and QF for everything else, but the UI clutter was pretty extreme. I hunted for other addons with similar idle emote functions, and came across Personality Designer, and swiftly ditched SnE. But I quickly discovered PD wasn't nearly as smooth to operate as SnE... Clunkier UI, only accessible to operate in settings, and pretty buggy... and for some reason it would always auto-equip the baked-in "personalities" to all of my characters until I either disabled it or made my own for each.

So the gist is, I'm hoping there's other similar, perhaps cleaner addons out there some fine folks here may be able to recommend, for which I'll preemptively thank you all now ^^
  • Soarora
    I used Idle Animations when I was more into immersion. You do have to edit the file yourself but its rather straightforward and you can switch personalities or turn the addon on/off using a short command (/ia). It meshes nicely with emomento so you can add momentos into your idle animations (but keep in mind you can't move during most momentos and thus that can be a problem if you're going to do group content where you need to pause before a pull).
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
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    • Trials: 9/12 HMs - 3/8 Tris
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  • vsrs_au
    I use Custom Idle Animations:
    It hasn't been updated since Feb 2022, but it still works fine for me.
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • Tes96
    I've found and used two different addons for the purpose of auto-playing select emotes/mementos at select increments when standing idle to add a bit of extra personality to my personalities. (namely Personality Designer and Style and Elegance's built-in idle animation function) However I've hit a bit of a block. I stopped using Style and Elegance when I found a different styling addon I liked (Quick Fashion), but that addon had no feature like SnE's idle animations. So I tried straddling the two of them for a bit, just using SnE for the idle emotes and QF for everything else, but the UI clutter was pretty extreme. I hunted for other addons with similar idle emote functions, and came across Personality Designer, and swiftly ditched SnE. But I quickly discovered PD wasn't nearly as smooth to operate as SnE... Clunkier UI, only accessible to operate in settings, and pretty buggy... and for some reason it would always auto-equip the baked-in "personalities" to all of my characters until I either disabled it or made my own for each.

    So the gist is, I'm hoping there's other similar, perhaps cleaner addons out there some fine folks here may be able to recommend, for which I'll preemptively thank you all now ^^

    Hi, I'm one of the mod authors for Personality Designer. What are some of the bugs you found in PD exactly?

    Edited by Tes96 on September 27, 2023 3:34PM
  • Tes96
    vsrs_au wrote: »
    I use Custom Idle Animations:
    It hasn't been updated since Feb 2022, but it still works fine for me.

    I used to use Custom idle animation, but if I remember correctly, I couldn't specify just how much time in between emotes/mementos/personalities I wanted to pass before it switched. That's one of the reasons I switched to Personality Designer. The original mod author Atronyx gave me and Alianym permission to take over the mod from here since he's not active anymore.
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