Hello, don't know if this has been posted before but as much as I like the companion quests, they get a bit much after the 3rd or fourth time. I have 13 characters and it seems a bit unreasonable to have to do the same quests that many times just to be able to use a companion with each toon. I get it with the skill lines - but even then you don't have to do e.g. the fighters guild and mages guild quest stories just to level up those skill lines.
I also get that logically it makes sense - new person, new relationship with that individual person, so I'm wondering if the rapport could be kept as is per character, but just have an option to skip the quest that introduces the character to the companion. Short of that, wondering if (as with the guild quests) there could be alternative ways for characters to "earn" the ability to use companions after the quest has been completed on another character?
Just spitballing really, but it just seems like having to complete the same quests 13 times for each character to use each companion is a little burdensome.
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on July 10, 2023 8:25PM