My quest progress is broken. Because of this, it doesn't show me that I complete the cadwill almanac, and also all addons or even the default icons show that I didn't complete the quests. However, this does not apply to all quests. This applies to about 10-25 percent of all quests.
I have disabled all add-ons and this is client related and is the main UI glitch. What to do except how to reinstall the client?
Updated mods and rebooted the interface did not help. Even disabling mods didn't help.
We've sent you another PM regarding your new ticket.
Have you tried starting a support ticket yet?
We've sent you another PM regarding your new ticket.
Have you tried starting a support ticket yet?
Yes, I already wrote to support. The answer was that he knows about the problem and will fix it. But no one has written which patch it will be in. I hope it won't take half a year.