Hello there!
Been enjoying Necrom for the last few weeks now. Good stuff and thank you.
As I understand it, this is the story patch for the year, and the next big patch will be QOL - is that correct?
If so, I’d like to request that we get a few updates to our companion quests in the QOL patch. They could be tied to romance options, or just be a new chapter in their adventure.
My main companion is Bastion, and I’d love to see more of his story. What happened to his family’s estate (unlockable housing?). Or what about his mentor that taught him magic (a small delve?). Or why not both - a small delve that becomes unlockable housing?
Similar systems of quests/rewards could be rolled out for all the companions, in whatever order makes sense. I’m sure folks have other ideas for what they’d like to see implemented to expand their companions’ storylines.
All in all - it would be cool to see the companions get a bit more story - and I hope there’s a way to sneak that in (:
If we do get to romance Bastion, I hope we get to learn a little more about his tattoos. Here’s to hoping he’s got a secret spicy side - we did find him tied up when we first met him (;