In other games like guild wars 2 and world of warcraft, players and npcs can all swim under water anywhere. They can all use abilities, skills, and fight while swimming and/or idle while under water. Also players can use emotes while in the water as well.
Guild wars 2 has an underwater combat specific skill line that activates automatically when in the water and unlocks at around level 6. The skill line automatically adjust based on the weapon that is currently equipped and the player's class. That enables full under water combat and utility abilities.
In world of warcraft all abilities/spells can be cast and used while in the water.
For Elderscrolls to get the underwater combat, the game needs to add in underwater swimming first. This will happen when ever in deeper water in any zone that has it. They also have to add in a variety of underwater ability/spell animations, graphics, and npcs. Along with underwater resources.
The sprint stamina ability should also make players swim faster while in the water. While dodging in the water the character will rotate to another position when moving in another direction. The hair and clothes should have a full flowing animation with physics. There should also be clusters of many animated small and medium sized bubbles around player's character or pets when under water.
Any other suggestions or ideas for underwater combat?