Corpse Visual Bug

Necromancer (and likely Templar and Werewolf as well) are currently bugged in certain environments. Corpses that are not consumable (i.e., corpses that were already there before you entered the zone or corpses created by another player) are appearing as consumable.

I noticed this first in IC, but later had the same issue in overland. Corpses that I did not damage or create myself were showing up as consumable but were unable to be absorbed with Necrotic Potency. These corpses do not despawn and remain indefinitely (or as indefinitely as I could tell).
Edited by CameraBeardThePirate on June 29, 2023 5:14PM
  • MercilessnVexed
    I could swear we could run behind someone and eat the corpses they left behind all this time.
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