Do attribute points change anything while in cyrodil? It would seem they don't, I have most points in 1 attribute but when checking my stats in cyrodil they don't look to be affected by my assignments.
There is "battle leveling," or something like that, that's in place for all characters when they enter Cyrodiil. This sets your character's stats to a standardized loadout to even the playing field for the 10-50 crowd, so attribute points won't matter for you when you're in Cyrodiil.
There was word a couple of weeks before launch that they will be making this optional as it was screwing with the 45-50 range and pulling down people in veteran ranks. I can't remember if the veteran rank issue has already been fixed, but I know that currently there is no way to use your real stats in Cyrodiil when you're under level 50.