However, I've been in this game since beta, got the nasty status monkey to prove it. To my relocation, I've posted a total of 1 post about game etiquette. So, tolerance please. WTH is going on with the quality and CS in this game. I get that it is built on old backbone. I get that fixing 1 bug can introduce one or more new bugs. Still, when it is so bad you have to hard boot out of game each time you a bit much. What has happened to an actual public test server when you launch a new expansion - that we pay for - and is more bugs, more glitches, more game drops...I could go on. I don't expect a replay but seriously, I love this game but we are going to start bleeding people if/when this continues. DO SOMETHING. Get a new engine to run it...make a new game to replace...DO SOMETHING please.