Daggerfall Covenant did this to the Chrysamere campaign too, it's a massive pain in the behind. I thought that the campaigns were meant to lock when a certain faction started outnumbering the others, not when they hit the absolutely cap. Things were fine in beta where everyone was pretty evenly distributed between a handful of servers, but right now there are maybe two capped campaigns that are working 'properly' while all the others are just dominated by a single faction.
Our AD guild took over Goldbrand campaign. It was a ball of 20-30 Pact players vs us as a guild of 13 with vent. We stopped them from getting Emperor for a day so they all quit pvp or changed campaigns I'm guessing , we own almost everything and there have been no Daggerfall or Pact players in pvp since yesterday.
Our AD guild took over Goldbrand campaign. It was a ball of 20-30 Pact players vs us as a guild of 13 with vent. We stopped them from getting Emperor for a day so they all quit pvp or changed campaigns I'm guessing , we own almost everything and there have been no Daggerfall or Pact players in pvp since yesterday.
DC is the least played faction in every campaign in EU at the moment and really struggling. Every campaign i've been to they are losing and the campaign finder shows that they always have 1 bar less amount of players than the other factions. I guess this is what always happens in a zerg based pvp system though, it will never be balanced.
All of these views on balance were strongly expressed during beta and largely dismissed because surely if one side was dominate everyone would team up against them.
The problem I said then and continue to say is that the problem is when one faction so completely outnumbers the other two then the other two factions still won't even be enough. All that's doing is causing the people who are overwhelming numbers to be bored and people who can't find a good campaign to be annoyed cause they can't find a fight that isn't camped to their base.
Really what needs to happen is dynamic caps need to be placed on Cyrodill. So to start there's 100 soft cap on all 3 sides. AD reaches 100, DC has 30, EP has 50. Until the total of DC and EP reaches 100 combined, AD is locked. When that opens up it goes up by another 50 (150) and they must face a combined 150 for it to unlock again. This would go for any faction. This way there's a chance for both sides to team up against the third and overly populated factions get inspired to spread out more amongst the servers instead of just piling onto specific campaigns and dominating them.
Our AD guild took over Goldbrand campaign. It was a ball of 20-30 Pact players vs us as a guild of 13 with vent. We stopped them from getting Emperor for a day so they all quit pvp or changed campaigns I'm guessing , we own almost everything and there have been no Daggerfall or Pact players in pvp since yesterday.
All of these views on balance were strongly expressed during beta and largely dismissed because surely if one side was dominate everyone would team up against them.
The problem I said then and continue to say is that the problem is when one faction so completely outnumbers the other two then the other two factions still won't even be enough.
well, to be fair, he didn't say there were only 13 AD in the server, there were a bunch of players on both teams. He was speaking about one of the smaller groups "makin it happen". EP came to attack us at ashe with 20-25 players, while we had 10 people on D - at times as few as 4. We held for four hours. Sounds like you were there too. AD won emperorship because of a few people who played hard, and on day 3, people looking to join pvp picked our server, and like in every server, they chose to join in on the winning side (sigh) and when the tide turned on day 5 and EP showed up with 80 players mostly level 30+ (and quite a few vets), they quit AD to go to some other server (probably somewhere AD was winning). Or they just quit pvping (good riddance)steveb16_ESO46 wrote: »
Is there a second Goldbrand because that is simply not how it went down. 13 AD - don't make me laugh.
AD tactics appear to be to wait until the EU players turn in and then sweep the board unopposed. I'm guessing you're all from non EU time zones.
thefreezingvoid wrote: »I'd imagine a lot of people are still leveling their toons. The XP in cyrodil is quite horrid. Wait a week or two, once a lot more people start hitting 50 they will more than likely start joining cyrodil.
Right now what you are seeing in terms of pops is likely the hard core pvpers. I will admit it is a bit strange that most of these players ended up choosing campaigns where their Alliance was completely dominant though.
I fail to see the point. PvP is about winning, sure. However its also about losing. If their is no chance of losing, where is the excitement. Maybe it doesn't translate so much into a game like ESO where the matches last 90 days, however some of the best pvp matches are the ones where everyone is on pretty much even grounds, where their is no clear victor until the final few moments when one sides clinches the win or the other chokes.
A perfect RvR example of this comes from GW2, first Round of their fall tournament. Jade Quarry vs Black Gate vs Sea Of Sorrows. A 7 day match up, and at the end of day 6 the difference between the top faction and the bottom faction was only 5% which could easily change if one side screws up or slacks off. The bottom faction did end up taking third, but they were closing the gap when one of the guilds rage quitted (Guild was called "Rage N Quit", how fitting) and basically cost their faction almost half of their income per tick for several hours. At which point that faction was down and out.
Was a very fun match up to a part of. Was IMO one of the best match ups I experienced in over 6 months of WvW. Most match ups in GW2 were usually decided by the 3 or 4th day (With no chance for the other factions to change their positions) if not sooner.
I do wish their was a cap on how much one faction can dominate the other. Sure it might mean long queues for one or two factions, but would more enjoyable.
Please don't start with the "only active during peak hours" arguements that were in GW2 as well.steveb16_ESO46 wrote: »I think it is a mistake to let non-EU players onto the EU server. I keep seeing it - your team finally crawls to bed to get a few hours sleep. The map is balanced. Next morning one faction owns every single part of it because they had players who are either from a different time zone or don't have jobs or something.
Either way it's just not fun and it is just going to encourage campaign hopping.
I'd stop the guesting all together and I'd not permit characters on both mega-servers. And I'd reset the campaigns after the 90 days.
But something has to be done. Losing a campaign is one thing. Losing it because your life has regular hours is another.
Please don't start with the "only active during peak hours" arguements that were in GW2 as well.
I'm European and have spent time in AvA until 6 am one night, so even if you restrict people playing with their friends by not allowing non-Europeans on the EU servers there's still a good chance for imbalance with no-lifers like me.
On top of that, who would be allowed in? Would the Russians count as EU? The same Russians that took Blacktide to nr 1 by getting up at 6 am their time (2 am our time) to start the "morning swarm", which they then managed to keep up until the EU guilds activated?
In most games which have NA/EU split, they're on our side, like the Oceanics tend to be on NA.
I'm on Auriel's Bow EU btw, EP (which should come as no surprise to the poster right above me)