Does eso need more new battlegrounds

Currently there are only a few battleground places in eso. I feel like there needs to be a lot more battleground maps to add more variety of environments and fun.

Does eso need more new battlegrounds 29 votes

DrathlyNorith_Gilheart_FlailgariondaveyCameraBeardThePirateArcand_Plebimius 5 votes
Rhaegar75Elrond87PeacatcherhiziumxDeusEJRxMiracle19IncultaWolfDrNukensteinBasPVaqualBraffin 11 votes
Definitely yes!
mmtaniacValarMorghulis1896meekmikodmvabPhoenixGreycolossalvoidsWoppaBoemUdrathtokeinskybluSkaraMinocOccamsRazorwilykcatZBH33 13 votes
  • wilykcat
    Definitely yes!
    (Optional) Feel free to add in more suggestions for new battlegrounds.
    I forgot to add that into the poll results 😅
    Edited by wilykcat on June 17, 2023 12:06AM
  • LunaFlora
    there's not a no option so won't vote.
    if a poll includes yes it should also include no.

    miaow! i'm Luna ( she/her ).

    🌸*throws cherry blossom on you*🌸
    "Eagles advance, traveler! And may the Green watch and keep you."
    PlayStation and PC EU.
    LunaLolaBlossom on psn.
    LunaFloraBlossom on pc.
  • wilykcat
    Definitely yes!
    LunaFlora wrote: »
    there's not a no option so won't vote.
    if a poll includes yes it should also include no.

    If you don't like my post then don't respond to them
  • DrNukenstein

    We need more maps, more game modes, unreal tournament style mutators, small world pvp sections on the vanilla maps, custom pvp rules in our homes (free for all party!), a zone that's pretty much just Fortnite but you have all your gear, duel/2s/3s queue, a working ladder/ranking system, about a 150% increase in the PVP population
  • React
    While I personally would prefer they give some PVP development attention to imperial city, this post creates a great opportunity to shine a light on the heavily neglected PVP side of the game.

    It's been over 4 years now since the last map was added, which was also the last actual PVP content added to the game.

    It's crazy that they can come up with a new zone or two every 3-4 months, but can't be bothered to create a single BG map in four years.
    Edited by React on June 19, 2023 7:24PM
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • Cadbury

    We need more maps, more game modes, unreal tournament style mutators, small world pvp sections on the vanilla maps, custom pvp rules in our homes (free for all party!), a zone that's pretty much just Fortnite but you have all your gear, duel/2s/3s queue, a working ladder/ranking system, about a 150% increase in the PVP population

    I'm probably in the minority here, but I'd like something like Apex Legends/ Overwatch with playable NPCs. Imagine playing as Naryu fighting Darien, or Razum-dar battling it out against Stibbons.
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • Vaqual
    Yes, but I would prefer new maps that don't allow for knockback cheese so much. Considering how buggy they are and that they can be spammed without CD it can be really bothersome on certain maps.
    Edited by Vaqual on June 19, 2023 7:43PM
  • DrNukenstein
    Cadbury wrote: »

    I'm probably in the minority here, but I'd like something like Apex Legends/ Overwatch with playable NPCs. Imagine playing as Naryu fighting Darien, or Razum-dar battling it out against Stibbons.

    I really like playing as my idealized self, but overwatch/counterstrike style objectives themed on the three banner war would add so much to the PVP culture in this game.
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    Definitely not. The current modes are terribly balanced on the majority of maps (the larger maps being the more egregious examples). They absolutely shouldn't add more gametypes if they can't balance the current ones.
  • gariondavey
    1 - please have proper voting next time, this poll could be deemed farcical
    2 -
    Definitely not. The current modes are terribly balanced on the majority of maps (the larger maps being the more egregious examples). They absolutely shouldn't add more gametypes if they can't balance the current ones.
    PC NA @gariondavey, BG, IC & Cyrodiil Focused Since October 2017 Stamplar (main), Magplar, Magsorc, Stamsorc, StamDK, MagDK, Stamblade, Magblade, Magden, Stamden
  • OBJnoob
    I'm gonna vote no. I wouldn't mind another map or two but the scenery isn't real important to me. Another mode or two would interest me much more. Meaning a different form of obj for BGs, 2 team arenas, or whatever.
  • Alharion
    So, we don't have the right to say no. What kind of dirigiste survey is this?
  • Alharion
    I'll say yes when there will be the right to play with dignity archer nighblade in this broken mode and think only for tank and mage!
  • chessalavakia_ESO
    I'd lean towards no. We've got eight locations to fight at and I think BG's have other areas that could use the resources.

    Ex: The leaderboards are broken, the scoring in Battlegrounds in my view is a bit odd, I think the messaging around the rewards could be better and perhaps their implementation as well, and you've got the messiness of the whole DM only fans vs people that don't like DM which can lead to excess leavers and people not playing the objective.
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