Dear Developers - Please Fix Your Game

Dear Developers,

Not only did I experience the Rajhin Bewilderment bug this game which set me back enough to not have a chance of winning and a grand total of -126 points, but I also experienced a new secret bug.


Guess who is not able to use Almalexia's neutral ability despite having a card in hand. Yea, that's right... ME!

You can add a little UI element to tell us how many Patron activations we have left, but what good does it do if we still can't use the Patrons?

I'm just going to take a guess at why this happens. This has something to do with when you changed the code to not let Delmene sacrifice cards from hand. That would be too funny if it were the case.

Please, anybody tell me if I'm missing something here.
Edited by Personofsecrets on June 16, 2023 1:33AM
  • Largomets
    I've encountered this too. It's not just this patron either. Earlier I had 2 gold in my inventory but was not able to use the bank to change out a card. I still had 1 patron remaining. It appears that sometimes after cycling cards with Almalexia, you can block out certain patron usage erroneously through this bug.

    I've also had instances where I should be able to donate a card, and have cards in my inventory, but it acts like I did not meet the requirements to donate. DEFINITELY some kinds to work out in the code of this deck...
  • Meji
    I've definitely encountered this bug numerous times causing me to not interact with a Patron. Even if I purposefully hold onto a card just in case I draw a card and it's a Bewilderment, it then allows me to play the card and then interact with a Patron. Was happening last patch too but not the patch before.
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