Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Repair Costs?

I'm nearly spend 2000 gold repairing my armor. To make it even worst the degrade rate in combat is too much.

Does anyone else think the degrade rate or cost of repairing is ridiculous?
  • Hawke
    It is expensive.

    For the early levels, just junk it and get new armor. Crafting the armor is the most economical solution.
  • KerinKor
    The cost is absurd.
  • misterme2011
    New armor and weapons from the shops is very expensive also. Do 4 quests to afford one piece of armor @ 400 gold ??
  • Katrisa
    I filed a bug the repair costs are out of line. I recommend others file bugs on this issue as well.
  • Greydog
    Katrisa wrote: »
    I filed a bug the repair costs are out of line. I recommend others file bugs on this issue as well.

    I sent a /feedback on that because I agree. Prices are too high.

    "I Plan on living forever far so good"
    Sanguine's Disciple

    Asylum Amoebaeus ..A refuge for those who normally fly solo.
    Message me here or in game for an invite
  • Severan
    I don't mind the price that much, I just think the armor degrades WAY too fast. Most the time while playing I have at least one armor piece with 0 durability.
    Xbox One - BeScurred
  • pokebreaker
    Yeah, I just became aware of this. It is ridiculous. I was doing some farming, where I took absolutely NO damage. Yet, when I was done, THREE pieces of my gear were completely broken (they started at about 75%), and the others were about 25% or so away from broken.

    So I assume the gear takes a durability loss from usage, as well as a loss from damage received and death. I get it, but they need to reduce the rate at which durability loss occurs when you aren't taking damage, or reduce the gold cost per point of durability. I have a 900g bill, and didn't even make nearly that much gold or XP during material farming, for HIDESCRAPS! On top of that, I didn't even get that many scraps!

    Not gonna lie. In a Free-to-play game, I expect there to be MANY things that cause me to spend a lot more extra time and in-game money to play. That is understandable, for I would be playing for free, and they need to entice me to Subscribe for time and in-game money saving benefits. However, this game isn't an F2P (not accusing it of a P2W either), yet it has felt like it from day one of 5-day early access. I know it's still new, and many things will undoubtedly get tweaked. I just don't know how long I'm willing to pay for a hopeful update that addresses certain issues.

    All in all, there are things that need to be tweaked. There are many workarounds to certain issues. However, principle must be upheld and argued sometimes, in order to make a point.

  • Sarenia
    *shrug* I love the way it is now.

    They don't give you the usual metagame ruleset of "must be class 'n' to wear heavy armor", but it has realistic drawbacks.

    Dents in metal are expensive to repair, compared to stitching some holes up in cloth. You want extra defense? You're going to pay for it. Want to reduce those costs? Dodge heavy blows. Become a blacksmith, sometimes it's much cheaper to remake equipment that to repair a ragged old piece of iron that you battered into nothingness.

    Want lower repair costs? Give up that suit of platemail and wear cloth. Rely on speed and agility more. You're at higher risk, but your bank account will thank you -- because again, it's cheaper to stitch up cloth than to fix mangled metal with an anvil and hammer.
    Edited by Sarenia on April 7, 2014 1:39AM
  • Natjur
    I never repair, I just breakdown and remake my armor. That way you can also level up the armor so it matches your current level too!
  • Jeremy
    It's expensive enough that I go out of my way not to die, that is for sure.

    I got stuck today on some rocks and stripped my guy naked before I killed myself with the /stuck command just to avoid having to pay for the repairs. So it is definitely punishing enough that I take it into account.

    Certainly wouldn't bother me if they lowered it some.
  • Ohioastro
    Repair kits seem to be cheaper than paying merchants, at least if something is totally trashed. But I've done well by almost completely avoiding repairs - by simply throwing the old away and putting a new item on. Repairs are for the rare things that last a few more levels - and repair kits are the way to go there.
  • kijima
    Xemnas wrote: »
    I'm nearly spend 2000 gold repairing my armor. To make it even worst the degrade rate in combat is too much.

    Does anyone else think the degrade rate or cost of repairing is ridiculous?

    Have you read any of the game guides floating around? All of them will say not to repair your armour all the time, maybe when it's all very low if you must.

    What I have found is that you'll end up getting the same if not better Armour than what you are wearing from loot drops, so it negates the need to constantly repairing your old Armour.

    I'm level 18 now and I have repaired only very small amounts, with the rest just loop drops. I've got 8,000 gold in the bank and about 2,500 on my person. It's not that hard to accumulate wealth if you don't fix your Armour.

    Been here since Feb 2014 - You'd think I'd be half reasonable at this game by now...

    A'marta - AD Sorc Tank
    Kijima - AD DK Derps
    Annure - AD NB Derps
    Boom Crash Opera - AD Sorc DPS

  • Bob
    I hate repair cost in this game. This is not fun at all.
  • Sallakat
    Also good to keep in mind that when you quest and get a gear upgrade that you put on, you should always sell the old piece at a merchant before doing the repair cos also broke items in your inventory get repaired. This is what I think it's extremely stupid, only the gear you have on at that moment should be repaired imo.
    Rebuilt - Aldmeri Dominion

    Kaia Linnea - templar
    Ruusu - sorcerer
    Aino - nightblade
  • LilBudyWizerub17_ESO
    Oh, that would seem a good explanation for why some of my repairs are so expensive. It does seem the most expensive ones were when I replaced worn pieces. I wonder if that's really it or some of the gear you pick up is already damaged or it's taking damage in your inventory.
    My Guild - Anvil
  • Gaudrath
    Do repair costs get higher with higher level items?

    If not, then that's the answer for you - when you're low level, just recycle your old worn armor and make yourself a new piece. A lot cheaper. And since you'll be "growing out of it" in a few levels, makes zero sense to spend extra on something you'll throw away soon anyway.

    But when you're max level wearing that legendary set, you'd want to spend money to repair it since it would be much more expensive to make a new one. But then, you're high level and that kind of money should be much easier to come by.
  • LilBudyWizerub17_ESO
    Doing some checking the repair cost was 7 times the damage to my gear. I would assume that's what the game designer arrived at as a fair value for armor. The vendor buy and sell sets a floor and ceiling on prices. If you can sell it to a vendor for more than to a player you'll sell to the vendor. If you can buy from a vendor cheaper than from a player you'll buy from a vendor. I think they screwed up there. Iron bars are going for 500g per 100. That's 5g per bar, 1g above vendor. So I think there's a whole lot more being gathered than they expected. That low floor just pushed prices way down. Also way too many items drop. Also gold is too scarce. 1g per mob is just brutal. You can't even repair the armor with the gold drops. That's just silly.
    My Guild - Anvil
  • RustyBlades
    My level 8-9 saw a 100gp repair bill for leather while doing about 4-5 regional quests. I guess you don't have a bill if you don't get hit..
  • Gaudrath
    Well I imagine low gold drops help with botters, they get an extremely low return rate for their time. Most of the actual value in drops comes from items, which as you noticed, drop a lot. And they don't stack. Meaning a bot will fill up their inventory fairly quickly and be turned useless - a bot you have to babysit is a worthless bot. If that's their scheme, it's actually pretty neat.

    As for low prices on harvested resources, it has less to do with the amounts being harvested as with kids not valuing their time and thinking they got those resources "for free". So they just dump them as fast as they can without going straight to vendor.

    Seen the same thing in EvE Online, which has the most complex economy of any MMO - players mining ores, thinking they get them for free and completely forgetting all the hours they need to put in to harvest all those ores. Result - dumping prices.
    Edited by Gaudrath on April 7, 2014 3:37PM
  • whardisonb14_ESO
    This isn't WoW or TOR or anything you've played before.

    ZOS made deliberate decisions to guide the in-game economy to becoming something apart from all of the other games out there.

    Crafting is useful and relevant. I've personally made every single item I use, with the exception of my jewelry.

    The goal of this game isn't hoarding money or having to spend hours and hours farming. They want you to craft excellent items and guild up with people who can make the items you cant.

    In that way, money is used for three things:

    1.) Repairing your broken gear

    2.) Buying motif materials for your own crafting

    and, last and least,

    3.) Purchasing from other players.

    A same-level blue is maybe 400-500g, and my repairs have only been over 2k once. It's not a problem if you understand that Zenimax is trying to put as little emphasis on gold and farming (in the way it's treated in other MMMos) as possible.

    Honestly, I love it. I haven't seen a gold seller in two days...and then it was just one guy. Zenimax's treatment of in-game currency and the repair costs are part of a grander picture that led to this.
  • Thybrinena
    I'ver had a single bill of 1375g for a repair and there's no way I'd pay anything close to that. Just craft yourself a new outfit or get your guildie to do it for you.
  • jambam817_ESO
    "Death has teeth" as some would say. I like it. Its a cost, it should be felt. If it was under 100g to repair, what would be the point of it. This is a viable and correctly working money sink. Its needed.
  • Armitas
    I think the repair cost for dying is ok. They need a regular gold sink, and they should give us a reason not to die. However, armor breaks down whether you die or not. Because of the price of repair and degradation I don't buy new armor, I don't craft new armor despite having all the resources to do so.

    Whats the point of crafting an elite set only to suffer a regular maintenance fee? Instead I just recycle my armor as I find new pieces. I might craft a special set for dungeons but even so I'm going to vault it when I don't need it. None of my gear matches. I'd love to craft an all nord set I can call my own, but I'm not going to pay the maintenance fee just to look nordish.

    A few quick solutions.
    1) Allow crafters to repair their own armor with mats
    2) Allow crafters to craft their own repair kits, unbound, and gives craft XP.
    3) Adjust the price

    Nord mDK
  • Kendaric
    Armitas wrote: »
    I think the repair cost for dying is ok. They need a regular gold sink, and they should give us a reason not to die. However, armor breaks down whether you die or not. Because of the price of repair and degradation I don't buy new armor, I don't craft new armor despite having all the resources to do so.

    Whats the point of crafting an elite set only to suffer a regular maintenance fee? Instead I just recycle my armor as I find new pieces. I might craft a special set for dungeons but even so I'm going to vault it when I don't need it. None of my gear matches. I'd love to craft an all nord set I can call my own, but I'm not going to pay the maintenance fee just to look nordish.

    A few quick solutions.
    1) Allow crafters to repair their own armor with mats
    2) Allow crafters to craft their own repair kits, unbound, and gives craft XP.
    3) Adjust the price

    If you maintain your crafted armour regularly and replace it every two levels, the cost is quite low. I have yet to see repair costs go higher than maybe 300 gold for me at level 20 and I tend to die a lot.

    The ability for crafters to repair their gear with materials or craft repair kits would be nice though.
      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!. Outfit slots not being accountwide is ridiculous given their price. PC EU/PC NA roleplayer and solo PvE quester
    • Korah_Eaglecry
      This isn't WoW or TOR or anything you've played before.

      ZOS made deliberate decisions to guide the in-game economy to becoming something apart from all of the other games out there.

      Crafting is useful and relevant. I've personally made every single item I use, with the exception of my jewelry.

      The goal of this game isn't hoarding money or having to spend hours and hours farming. They want you to craft excellent items and guild up with people who can make the items you cant.

      In that way, money is used for three things:

      1.) Repairing your broken gear

      2.) Buying motif materials for your own crafting

      and, last and least,

      3.) Purchasing from other players.

      A same-level blue is maybe 400-500g, and my repairs have only been over 2k once. It's not a problem if you understand that Zenimax is trying to put as little emphasis on gold and farming (in the way it's treated in other MMMos) as possible.

      Honestly, I love it. I haven't seen a gold seller in two days...and then it was just one guy. Zenimax's treatment of in-game currency and the repair costs are part of a grander picture that led to this.

      If they want a less emphasis on gold. They wouldnt have outrageous prices for everything from a single apple for your horse to the over the top repair costs. People see these prices and are being given the impression that the only way theyre going to have what they want in this game is to grind. What will more then likely happen is people will begin to look for the easiest way out. Which means selling items at a ridiculous mark-up price.

      When it comes to in-game economy. There is no RIGHT answer. There will always be consequences to the practices used. But there are definitely WRONG choices that can be made. And a heavy handed approach to gold earnings through quests and mob drops coupled with high prices for improvements such as bag space/horse speed and stamina/repair costs/vendor sold gear. Will definitely lead to inflation of prices that the Players do have control over.
      Penniless Sellsword Company
      Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
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      What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
    • Dunhilda
      Stop dying all the time.


      No really you can craft a new piece of gear every two levels and you'll do this all the way to 50, simply craft whites that'll do for now, I been running around with two to three piece of gear from time to time and still not getting killed I only die when I try to run past the mobs.
    • Armitas
      Kendaric wrote: »
      Armitas wrote: »
      I think the repair cost for dying is ok. They need a regular gold sink, and they should give us a reason not to die. However, armor breaks down whether you die or not. Because of the price of repair and degradation I don't buy new armor, I don't craft new armor despite having all the resources to do so.

      Whats the point of crafting an elite set only to suffer a regular maintenance fee? Instead I just recycle my armor as I find new pieces. I might craft a special set for dungeons but even so I'm going to vault it when I don't need it. None of my gear matches. I'd love to craft an all nord set I can call my own, but I'm not going to pay the maintenance fee just to look nordish.

      A few quick solutions.
      1) Allow crafters to repair their own armor with mats
      2) Allow crafters to craft their own repair kits, unbound, and gives craft XP.
      3) Adjust the price

      If you maintain your crafted armour regularly and replace it every two levels, the cost is quite low. I have yet to see repair costs go higher than maybe 300 gold for me at level 20 and I tend to die a lot.

      The ability for crafters to repair their gear with materials or craft repair kits would be nice though.

      It's as you say so long as you replace it regularly. Armor is basically as disposable as napkins. But once you start to get those high level blues and purples that you don't want to get rid of then it gets pretty expensive. I have had some repairs for 1700gold. Our armor just shouldn't be so disposable. I don't think I would mind if if earned that bill by dying, but if I'm just playing the game and succeeding then it seems like a really expensive armor rental fee.
      I'd like to craft an all nord set and have it last 2 levels. But I'm lucky if it lasts 30minutes even without dying or getting stuck. So I've gone from 1-48 with mismatched gear and pretty much no reason to craft anything but weapons. Finding blue/purple armor is nice, but only for about 10 minutes. Blue, white, green, they are all the same after ~30minutes of use. There is something really wrong with the way armor is treated in this game.

      Edited by Armitas on April 7, 2014 8:02PM
      Nord mDK
    • alsaud_
      Yeah i am really annoyed about that , why its so expansive my money is gone because of that!!!1
    • Mephane
      I think they need to drastically reduce the amount of armor decay in normal combat, of not outright remove it and leave repair costs solely for dying, but at the current rate, you can hardly kill a single mob without one armor piece getting damaged.
      - Bosmer Nightblade Archer -
    • Thesiren
      Armor decay and death penalties are too high, yes. Maybe five years down the line when there are 50s on every streetcorner with nothing better to do than grind for gold it won't be such a big deal, but costs are quite high as things sit.
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