With almost each update the login becomes more cumbersome. I have almost no Add-Ons active any more which becomes more and more an annoyance and the login still fails. Over on the PC-Forum I noticed people have problems as well ([Cannot make new character - Keeps Disconnecting from lobby][
https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/635114/cannot-make-new-character-keeps-disconnecting-from-lobby]) Bethesda should really consider redoing the Login to be more robust.
PS: I know the trouble shouting guide and consider it just a list of workarounds for a broken login. Add-Ons should be sandboxed and not be able to disrupt the login. That Add-Ons in TESO can disrupt the login is bad software design. the software architecture team should fix this and instruct the developers on how to redesign the login.
PPS: Quick fix without new architecture: Double the timeouts to give the system more time for the login.
Edited by ZOS_Bill on August 24, 2023 6:02PM