Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9


Apocryphal Gate is hard crashing my game client.
  • MoonPile
    Yes, me too. Reproducible in certain locations, like under the bridge in High Isle where you get the skyshard closest to the city.

    Besides that it seems like this skill is finicky and just doesn't work in a lot of places. Sometimes you can use it to cross water, other times it says "invalid location" even if you're pointing it at solid ground. Sometimes it spawns on the other side, but no portal near you. A morph for greater distance would make it useful for exploring.
  • Lerozain
    Same here, just experienced this in Camonnaruhn delve trying to cast it against a ledge toward a walkway.

    Restarted computer, opened game and loaded in. Cast gate again in the same spot - bam. Identical crash.
  • Lerozain

    This is the spot in Camonnaruhn delve that's causing my crash.
  • Hagrett
    Having this same issue, moving the the target reticule over a "no go" zone will cause the client to crash for me.
  • aenarel
    Soul Shriven
    Same issue for me. I cannot even close the game at that point. Alt+F4 does not work, neither does the task manager, since the game insists on staying in focus and I see a black screen at that point. I have to log out of the current session and log in again, which takes a while.

    I hope this gets fixed, since the skill right now is too disruptive for me to slot, which is a pity, since I was really looking forward to it (leveled up this skill line first just to play around with it).
  • aenarel
    Soul Shriven
    Quick note: Apocryphal Gate / Fleet-footed Gate still crashes my client and on my Windows 10 system also prevents me from seeing the task manager, so logging out or restarting are the only options. From the instances where it happened to me, I suspect it occurs when the client cannot plot a walking path to the destination and back again, but that might be just my small sample.

    Given the advertisement as a true teleport skill that allows you to reach places you could not otherwise get to easily, the skill is also somewhat disappointing despite the cool graphics. As it is, it cannot teleport to places where I cannot simply walk to. It cannot teleport down a ledge which can be jumped from, and it cannot even teleport between floating boulders that I can jump back and forth between with ease. The Arcanist is a fun class with plenty of cool skills, but the one skill I looked forward to most from the previews is not among them, sorry to say.
  • Zilophos
    Apocryphal Gate crashes my game too. Same issue where it'll blackscreen and the game window cant be unfocused (same issue @aenarel is getting). For a while I was convinced my hardware was dying, but now I'm positive it's the Gate skill since these crashes dont seem to be happening on my other characters, or when I don't have the Gate skill slotted.

    It really is a shame. Arcanist is a really fluid feeling class. The visuals and sound design is great, and I have to say at this point it's my favorite class in the game. Apocryphal Gate was one skill I was hoping had real utility within the broader scope of the game, but it's so limited/underpowered that there's no reason to use it over other movement skills like Elusive Mist/Race Against Time. Crossing my fingers that ZoS eventually looks into fixing these issues...
    PC NA
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