Let me start by complaining. "Do you know how long it's been since Stuga has asked me if I know how long she's been looking for me?" How am I supposed to remember to check my guild membership timers (that's a proxy for the real answer to her question) if she's not pestering me to look? On the flip side of that, "west and wewaxation at wast! heheheheh" Yeah, it was definitely nice to run through Davon's Watch this morning and not have her yelling at me from every corner.
I do not know whether this is expected behavior or undocumented feature (I didn't see it mentioned in the latest patch notes), but picking up a quest no longer makes it the active quest. For example, picking up crafting dailiesused to make the last one picked up the active quest and turning in the last crafting daily made something else active (I think it prioritizes with Main Quest being highest - dunno and never bothered to research it). It no longer does that. Doing my crafting dailies this morning left my Main Quest stage as the active one throughout and picking up Sharp-as-Night's companion quest did not make it the active quest (had to manually set that). It's fiddlin' small change in the grand scheme of things, but if it's a real change, putting it in the patch notes would be nice.
The download, update, and initial login went very smoothly for me this morning. The 10th character slot wasn't immediately there (no biggie since I have less than nine toons) and I'm aware that it will probably appear after I log out of a toon. The game kind of forced the issue by crashing on me while pursuing Sharp's companion quest ("Fish biscuits!"), but the 10th slot is also a small-change issue in my case. All in all, a job very well done as far as I'm concerned.
I'm fresh out of outrage, but I could muster up some amused annoyance if required.