Arcanist leveling

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It's been a long long time since I leveled a new class, I need help with priorities and how to combine certain guilds with my levels. As an example get vamp asap to level passivly whilst everything else levels. What else can be done like this.
Il also have around 7k crowns to get either skill points or a guild line to save time.
Edited by ZOS_Icy on June 4, 2023 4:04PM
  • Dr_Con
    you can try doing the psijic skill line while getting mage's guild books and skyshards at the same time, though Mage's Guild is by far the worst grind you can always just buy that from the crown store (I believe Mage Guild dailies also give rapport to Bastian as well as Mage Guild EXP).

    Undaunted you'll want to get up by doing undaunted dailies as well as the delve quests.

    Fighter's Guild will be the easiest to level by doing dolmens in Alik'ir desert, you can also level companions and certain companion rapport by doing dolmens (you also get a chance of getting new zone treasure maps which will be very lucrative)

    You can level Legerdemain in the Thieves Guild heist daily and drop the quest to reset the instance (or you can just do a treasure chest route in some zone)

    Remember to use Colovian War Torte if you choose to take your character to PVP to level Assault and Support skill lines.

    Leveling provisioning first can make food you use last longer, you can get the recipes for your character ready for this.

    You can level a different weapon line by having a skill from that weapon on your bar that you get exp on, similar to leveling vampirism.
    Edited by Dr_Con on June 4, 2023 11:18AM
  • wolfie1.0.
    Syiccal wrote: »
    It's been a long long time since I leveled a new class, I need help with priorities and how to combine certain guilds with my levels. As an example get vamp asap to level passivly whilst everything else levels. What else can be done like this.
    Il also have around 7k crowns to get either skill points or a guild line to save time.

    Unlock undaunted and fighters guilds first thing. Mages guild can wait a bit if you want but honestly it's best to unlock them all first thing.

    Adept rider set will boost mount speed until you can get into pvp to unlock the speed passive.

    If crafting begin research right away.

    Before you assign skill points create a save in the armory with nothing assigned for a free reset, so if you don't like your build or want to change things you have a free reset.

    Don't forget to assign any avaliable cp, it speeds up the process.

    The only skill lines, imo, worth unlocking in the crown store on a new character are psijic, alliance war, and undaunted. Alas antiquities is not an option still, so if you want that I would start early.

    The only skyshards worth buying in the crown store are cyrodill and imperial city.

    Heartland conquerer 5pc set bonus will boost the training trait xp bonus if you have the trait on your weapons.
    Edited by wolfie1.0. on June 4, 2023 11:40AM
  • Syiccal
    Ye I'm thinking I'll definitely buy mage guild as that is a ball ache to get done, possibly even psijic.
    I guess also making Hartland conqueror Training gear at various levels would help
  • FantasticFreddie
    I saved crowns for undaunted because if I don't have me healing orb I lose my mind.
    Everything else I'll just unlock and level normally
  • aaisoaho
    Get fighter's guild, mage's guild and undaunted ASAP. This can be done on a fresh character by visiting your alliance's starter zone (Auridon, AD; Stonefalls, EP; Glenumbra, DC). In the first major town, visit a pub area to find Undaunted NPCs, fighter's guild guildhall for FG and Mage's guild guildhall for MG. Then you can hop onto Summerset and do the first zone quest to get into Artaeum and to get Psijic quests started.

    You can combine psijic quests with skyshards and blue books as Dr_con said. While you are completing zone-by-zone these tasks, you passively level up your Fighter's guild.

    When at level 10, you can do the alliance war intro quests to unlock major gallop passive from alliance war skill lines to speed your mount up. The alliance war tutorial is PVP-free, and completing both gives enough AP to unlock it. Just do not turn in the first quest as soon as you can, because this prevents you from getting the required AP.

    I personally stop Psijic levelling after the skill line has reached level 5. I find little to no use from other skills besides the Channeled Acceleration base morph. So, after that, I continue getting blue books and skyshards from other zones until I get MG to level 10. After unlocking meteor, I will just grind either Skyreach Catacombs (if I have a grind partner) or other undead/daedra filled places to get FG to level 10 to unlock Dawnbreaker.

    Also I do a random normal dungeon each day. On new characters, this often lands in a dungeon where I haven't done a quest in yet. The quest gives some Undaunted XP and a skill point.

    After I've hit level 50, I transfer some "proper" gear to the alt and start doing pledges. Usually I try to do at least 2 vet HM pledges a day, because those give a lot of Undaunted XP. I stop doing this after I've unlocked all the undaunted passives.
  • PrincessOfThieves
    Don't use crowns on skill points, it's better to buy a deconstruction assistant (if you have ESO+) or a merchant if you don't. They're super convenient.

    For the skill lines, grab Fighters/Mages/Undaunted/Psijic asap, start with Psjic quests and pick all the books and skyshards on the way. It's also nice to have a companion with you, so that you level up that companion and get some gear drops for them.

    The easiest way to level Legerdemain is to kill sheep in Khenarthi's roost and then selling their guts and laundering their hides. You can kill the shepherds with the blade of woe to avoid bounty. Stealing apples in Belkarth also works if you don't want to murder anyone.

    For the antiquity skill line, Artaeum is the best place to start, but personally I've never been able to level that on my alts, it's too boring.

    For the Undaunted, you can do dungeon quests and pledges.

    For Thieves guild, prepare some laundered treasures and spam the covetous countess quest.
  • aaisoaho

    The easiest way to level Legerdemain is to kill sheep in Khenarthi's roost and then selling their guts and laundering their hides. You can kill the shepherds with the blade of woe to avoid bounty. Stealing apples in Belkarth also works if you don't want to murder anyone.
    For me, Northpoint, Rivenspire has been better for farm animal mass slaughtering than Khenarthi's Roost. There is a lot of animals in it, and you can run in a loop around the town slaughtering the animals, and they tend to spawn before you have finished the loop.
  • M0ntie
    Make training gear, including 5 piece Heartland Conqueror with weapons and put it in the bank. Then you can put it on as soon as your character is made. I make 2 x 5 piece sets, plus 2 other pieces so they are in all training gear.
    Pickup the Mages, Fighters and Undaunted guild lines. I have XP scrolls in the bank from the daily login rewards.

    I believe that Mages guild only levels from collecting lore books - not from Mages guild dailies. Unless they changed it recently.

    Do a daily random dungeon - its great XP. I also like to do the public dungeons in each zone because the group event gives a skill point, plus there will be a sky shard to collect.

    I've figured out the race and a build for my Archanist so I know which skills to level first.
  • ZOS_Icy

    This thread has been moved to the Combat & Character Mechanics section, as it is better suited there.

    Thank you for your understanding.
    Staff Post
  • MudcrabAttack
    I generally keep swapping out to new weapon drops frequently while leveling 0-50 since their relative strength drops in relation to new levels, and changing the type of weapon to keep learning other skill lines.

    There was some success with a lvl 10 set of training trait armor and jewelry, and then swapping to a lvl 30 set when I hit 30. The drawback is the repair bill, I keep a stack of repair kits. twice born star and acuity to pump out a little extra damage that can’t be out-leveled.
    Edited by MudcrabAttack on June 4, 2023 9:44PM
  • NoSoup
    So I've decided NOT to power level this time. The last few chapters I've gotten bord with and either skipped a heap on content or just not finished it because it was all too easy.

    So my plan this round is to start with a new character and NOT apply my champion points, hoping if the content is a bit more challenging it might be more engaging. Plan is to just buy the guild ranks as they're a pain in the ass to do and get into the story. Once I've finished the story then use nDSA to powerlevel the rest fo the way.
    Formally SirDopey, lost forum account during the great reset.....
  • karthrag_inak
    Level up Alchemy : 15 mins
    Level up Enchant : 15 mins + help from lvl 50 enchanter
    Level up Provisioning : 5 mins

    Level up to 50 via Alchemy, Enchant and Provisioning writs : ~1 hour, perhaps a bit more. Most time consuming is turning in the writs and then assigning the level rewards.

    PC-NA : 19 Khajiit and 1 Fishy-cat with fluffy delusions. cp3600
    GM of Imperial Gold Reserve trading guild (started in 2017) since 2/2022
    Come visit Karth's Glitter Box, Khajiit's home. Fully stocked guild hall done in sleek Khajiit stylings, with Grand Master Stations, Transmute, Scribing, Trial Dummies, etc. Also has 2 full bowling alleys, nightclub, and floating maze over Wrothgar.
  • tenryuta
    fresh toon doing psijic is one of the worst ways to play, unless you max ride speed upon getting to a stable(thats ALOT of crowns/seals), but even then its eww, no.

    me, id do main only missions starting with either necrom, or rushed faction(turbo powered 'e') and skipping unnecessary fights left and right.
  • Syiccal
    Does making glyphs with one toon, banking them then decon with another toon level up enchanting
  • mocap
    If money for you isn't an issue and you can buy this and that skill lines, they you can buy as well (for gold or crown gift) power leveling in nBRP. Or for free if you have friends. It will take something around 1 hour to level from 1 to 50 with an experienced player who knows how to do it right.

    For general route (w/o buying skills and nBRP), i suggest farming mage books while standing in dungeon queue. For Fighters guild kill zombies in eastern Alikr while, again, standing in dungeon queue.

    And don't forget to grab Continuous Attack passive and Gifted Rider CP, it will boost your mount speed significantly.
  • ErMurazor
    Level up Alchemy : 15 mins
    Level up Enchant : 15 mins + help from lvl 50 enchanter
    Level up Provisioning : 5 mins

    Level up to 50 via Alchemy, Enchant and Provisioning writs : ~1 hour, perhaps a bit more. Most time consuming is turning in the writs and then assigning the level rewards.

    ^^^This. I buy the skillines nd skyshards with crowns and have different weights on armour and change skills and weapons while turning in writs. This should give you a fully lvled Arcanist with skillines, skills armour, weapons lvled within a couple hours.
  • Syiccal
    The skills points are the biggest issue, I reckon you need at least 140 for a viable end game, 40 for class skills and passivs, 10 each in the armour lines, 6 for race, 20 + for weapons 15- 20 for alchemy and provisions, then what ever guild and world skills lines.
  • Syiccal
    How many do get for leveling is 50?
  • katorga
    Getting 140+ skill points is a pain power leveling.

    For arcanist put beam and a crux generating skill on the bar. Slot 1 skill from 3 different weapons on your bar and equip a 4th weapon type. That allows you to level 4 lines at once. At least two different types of armor (you need 3 pieces to level or just one?) so you are leveling multiple armor types at once.

    It is enough of a hassle I'll probably not start an Arcanist.

    They need class change tokens so I can make my now useless but maxed out, necro an Arcanist and get right to playing, instead of wasting time leveling and gaining skill lines. .
  • tohopka_eso
    Can head over to solitude and pick up the antiquity skill. Hated doing psijics skill line though.
  • Dr_Con
    I just wanted to emphasize the point that you should get into the undaunted before doing dungeons. The first time you do a dungeon for any dungeon is 25 undaunted points (edit: on normal, might be higher on vet/vet HM). This bonus does not apply to your character if you were not in the Undaunted, and is not retroactively added.

    Also, try to level with at least 1 piece of any armor on you at all times. You gain the skill tree only when you slot 3 of a type of armor for the first time, but all levels gained until that point can be retroactively added if you don't remember to slot 3. Case in point: I was leveling with a heavy chestplate yesterday, around level 34 is when I put 3 heavy items on for the first time... I got to level 26 immediately in the Heavy tree.
    Edited by Dr_Con on June 16, 2023 9:07AM
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