TheGodless1 wrote: »no...combat pets starts the whole cookie cutter watering down of a game. Leave well enough alone. If ya need a wow pet in ESO I hate to tell you it ain't WoW. Sorcs get the familiars..want a pet? make a sorc! Simple and no watering down or significant changes that only lead to a fun game going F2P with an item mall...this is EXACTLY how it starts...too hard i need a pet to kill for me...sigh..not again!
Really if a game that has star wars in its name is forced to go to F2P then there is no doubt ESO will go that way as well and that is not always a bad thing swtor is thriving right now. As someone who played the beta ESO is not a bad game but it is not great enough as it is to justify a sub based system.Kyubi_3002b16_ESO wrote: »''If ya need a wow pet in ESO I hate to tell you it ain't WoW. Sorcs get the familiars..want a pet? make a sorc! Simple and no watering down or significant changes that only lead to a fun game going F2P with an item mall...this is EXACTLY how it starts...too hard i need a pet to kill for me...sigh..not again!''
Your fully aware there are very good odds this game wont stay subbed forever dont you? People will play the first month then some if not the majority will leave the game until it becomes free to play. Many Beta tester stated and Angry Joe included that ESO didnt bring in something good enought to be worth a sub. I play it right now and to be honest the first thing you notice in the chat is all the utherly displeased player who talks about not staying. This game only got released that already we have a good thousand of angry disclaimers?
If anything ESO will release Paid new expension box and a cash shop before long but mark my words its subbing day are numbered. ESO will not go FTP because of battle pets but because of buggy quests, absent bosses, constant game crash and a somewhat bland player questing progression wich seems to *** off more then one.
nightwalkerrobin_ESO wrote: »I really hate when some players hate a play style that others want to have, and was talked about in the early development of the game. So Yes, we want to have Combat Pets that can be used by ANY class, not just the Daedra summoned by the Sorcerers. But yes, the Devs need to work on a control mechanic for the pets so that you can send the pet to attack, tell it to be passive/aggressive/defensive.
Having combat pets does not "water down" any game. It is just another play style. If you don't like pets, then don't have them if that is your play style. But let those of us who do want them in to have them. I got interested in this game because it was NEW to me, never played any other Elder Scrolls game; and because of the information put out by the Devs that I could have a melee player that could have combat pets fight alongside of me, something I could not do in WoW because as you well know Hunters are Ranged only. This is wrong in that WoW lore does support melee Hunter types (Rexxar), but the Devs never seemed to think of that.
I really want combat pets in this game, but again as another poster stated, they need to work on the AI for the combat pets and give us some method to control the pet. I have made suggestions to this in at least 4 post beta surveys, but I feel that I was talking to a wall as nothing was ever done to the Sorc summoned pets.
Want a melee pet class EQ has you covered. Beastlord.
I'll make a few points as it really bothers me how players who dislike having pets are normally the ones who play hardcore magic classes and have always been privy to pets and summons in practically any instance of DND style games.
Unlike DND this game like many other MMO's don't allow everyone to have combat pets. In traditional pen and paper you can buy a guard dog. Having something as simple as an attack dog that can grow with you in power on its own accord with simple commands like stay, follow, and attack can make a world of difference to players looking to solo or who are too new to the game and die unfortunately because they are being chased to death as a bow character but can't attack because they are took close.
Novelty/Vanity pets are cool, but absolutely useless and detract value and immersiveness more than someone taming a wolf and having it as a companion for the rest of the game. The people who don't want a pet won't get one, those who do, will seek it out. If I can build my character how "I" want it, not how some idiot on the internet and that their opinion outweighs my own, then "I" want a pet I can tame or raise as a baby to be my trust worthy companion. I'd rather be recognized when I walk into a dungeon by players when they see me and the pet. It's personalization and makes the game more deep.
People in real life would have pets, people in fantasy would have pets, not everyone would have them, so why bar users who want the ability to not have it. If you don't like the idea, don't play the game, or don't play with those players who do, you're the one missing out by being so ignorant and greedy to your own personal views, you're not the only person in the world, especially with MMO's.
As for mounts, earning a dragon mount would seem out of lore for Elder Scrolls, however I could see taming a mount would be more viable, especially if it was quest relate. But that's a deeper topic that has nothing to do with combat pets, as mounts are not allowed in combat.
As far as whether or not we get combat pets outside of the summoner class, I personally hope we get them, regardless of others opinions on the matter. I don't find it balanced that a caster should be privy to that when you've got other ranged classes or melee classes who can't have that, soloing as those is difficult, especially if you're a primarily a healer, not a combatant. And for a game that is claiming you can make the character how you want, they are not living up to their promise, because unfortunately for them I want a pet to help me solo or fill a space in a Dungeon scenario so we're not getting overwhelmed by mobs of enemies, when as a tank I have no AOE taunt or massive aggro ability and have to target every mob one by one.
Kyubi_3002b16_ESO wrote: »As for mounts.... i want to ride a Senche already heheheheh. White as snow like me..