Now I did'nt expect anything at all, but this is still underwhelming.
What's next? Granting the /donothing emote?
I was away on holidays for all of May so I missed the crown crates. And I return to this...
The riding training would be okay if it wasn't the least useful type for new characters.
How's that? I would think that Stamina would be the least useful. Most new characters have 60 inventory slots until they get to Level 12, or the player buys them more space. Either way, seems that people are always looking for more inventory space.
Kiralyn2000 wrote: »
I know that capacity (or alternating capacity & speed) was the first thing I trained on all my characters. I actually haven't bothered with Stamina on most of them, even ones that are years & years old.
How's that? I would think that Stamina would be the least useful. Most new characters have 60 inventory slots until they get to Level 12, or the player buys them more space. Either way, seems that people are always looking for more inventory space.
Nice emote, but not very pertinent to the chapter's atmosphere, I'd have expected something to do with books or spell-casting more for this month.
Tenthirty2 wrote: »
Was expecting the same.
It's launch month so I'd thought to see a Necrom-ish theme to the month
Still the lessons, scrolls, gold and AP are very welcome
Speed and Stamina are good for Cyrodiil, and maybe inventory is the least important for that environment, but I think that overall, inventory is probably the single most useful training option available, in terms of usefulness. Since new characters are blocked from Cyrodiil until Level 10, and have only 60 free inventory slots until Level 12, the 7% increase in carrying capacity is probably more useful before Level 10.