What are some pets that you want to see in the future?

Me personally, I badly want a pet crow. (Even though there's the banker/merchant), those ones are much bigger and are more of an assistant to which I wouldn't be able to have that out at same time as a companion. I mean for as an actual 'Pet'. It'd also be nice to see a pet Wolf. I dunno if these two ever came in the past though and I may had missed it at some point lol.
  • dragonlord500
    I would like to see the Infernium as a mini pet. they already have little versions of it
    Guild master of Darkness of Sanguinaris. Birthday is December 4th.
  • AuroranGoldenEagle
    Personally, I would also love to see more existing creatures becoming pets, both a Mud Hopper and a Wormmouth need this treatment!

    Mud Hoppers because walking fish, what else do you need? Also a Wormmouth is a teeny tiny Alit looking thing and so small and ugly, I love it!

    EDIT: for new pet ideas, more extinct real-life animals would be cool, such as the Thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger).
    Edited by AuroranGoldenEagle on May 31, 2023 6:54AM
    You have discovered the thirty-seventh Sermon of Vivec, which is a bending of the light, long past the chronicles of the Hortator who wore inconstant faces and ruled however they would, until apocalypse.
  • TylerDurden
    A goblin
  • wilykcat
    Kitsune (9 tailed mythical fox)
    Edited by wilykcat on May 31, 2023 7:13PM
  • Holycannoli
    A soul shriven

    Or Stibbons
  • kynesgrove

    Any flying bird. (including crow! As mentionedm)

    They can land when stationary and glide/fly when moving. Kind of like the baby griffons.
    The small finches can hop like jerboas until you run too far/fast.


    Agree on more adult wolf variant pets. Like full grown timberwolves.

    More jelly flavours/colours.

    A calico cat.

    A fat bumblebee.

    A mole. (can't see it move but pops up next to you when standing still like the pet snowball)

    An enchanted floating book (like witchmother themed)

    A rolling Beacon of Meridia (not too bright).

    Edited by kynesgrove on May 31, 2023 7:43PM
    "The shrine is breathtaking, sitting upon a rise and dominated by many standing stones carved with holy runes. The place truly seems to have been kissed by Kyne's icy breath."
    - Urig the Wanderer
  • Kesstryl
    A regular red fox
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • Nord_Raseri
    I'd like personality/pet combo where while moving a hawk(or any other bird) flys around, and while not moving it lands on your raised forearm arm(or shoulder).
    Veit ég aðég hékk vindga meiði á nætr allar níu, geiri undaðr og gefinn Oðni, sjálfr sjálfum mér, á þeim meiði er manngi veit hvers hann af rótum rennr.
  • Neriak
    Yes <3 Stylish pet crow please but a normal sized one! Not a giant airplane but a baby pet crow!
    And also petamorphs (Crown store, rewards, etc) aka the ability to permanently change the appearance of combat pets. Long overdue option for a 9 yo MMO!
    Energy powers future motion.
    Dynamic forces spur change.
    Nature encourages mutual dependence.
    Balanced systems stimulate civilization.

    PC EU
  • Beilin_Balreis_Colcan
    A goblin
    You wouldn't please Mirri with that choice of pet, LOL.
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • ixthUA
    I want warden's bear with sorcerer's pet wings, flying around me, while my pet rock sits on my shoulder.
  • LunaFlora
    a parrot pet that sits on your shoulder or flies behind you like in Minecraft
    miaow! i'm Luna ( she/her ).

    🌸*throws cherry blossom on you*🌸
    "Eagles advance, traveler! And may the Green watch and keep you."
    PlayStation and PC EU.
    LunaLolaBlossom on psn.
    LunaFloraBlossom on pc.
  • wilykcat
    Steampunk cyborg saber-tooth senche raht that has glowing eyes and brightly colored spots.
    Edited by wilykcat on June 2, 2023 9:56PM
  • thecatsme0w
    a pet cow for the farm I'm building in one of my houses.

    Eventual goal: Own all the houses. Currently 5 short of that goal.
  • evymyu233
    guar,shiba inu,little mouse
  • BulletMagnetX
    I want a hackwing.
    Molag's balls!
  • M0ntie
    I was about to say none because there are already too many - then I saw bumblebee. I’d love a fat bumblebee!
  • noblecron
    Crow pet, parrot pet, return of some of the sub only pets and limited pets like the Beta monkey for instance
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