FrancisCrawford wrote: »You can get quest XP all day from sneaking.
Kari's Tip Board is the most obvious source. Mage's Guild daily quests can be zero-combat, as can some DLC daily delve quests. Bogrul quests and other delve quests can go faster if you sneak past trash packs. Etc.
Necrotech_Master wrote: »im also not sure how they would award xp for just sneaking past a group of enemies, how would they determine you sneaking past vs avoiding entirely? (from personal experience ive completely a thieves guild heist without stealth, within the timer and only getting spotted twice)
i also would see that if you did get xp from sneaking, you would get very very minimal xp, kind of like the xp you get from BoW targets (blade kills of a target are like only about 10% of the xp you normally get from killing them, if that)
Necrotech_Master wrote: »im also not sure how they would award xp for just sneaking past a group of enemies, how would they determine you sneaking past vs avoiding entirely? (from personal experience ive completely a thieves guild heist without stealth, within the timer and only getting spotted twice)
i also would see that if you did get xp from sneaking, you would get very very minimal xp, kind of like the xp you get from BoW targets (blade kills of a target are like only about 10% of the xp you normally get from killing them, if that)
I'm thinking if you would normally get detected but don't get detected, that would register some XP - not as much as a kill but something
Necrotech_Master wrote: »im also not sure how they would award xp for just sneaking past a group of enemies, how would they determine you sneaking past vs avoiding entirely? (from personal experience ive completely a thieves guild heist without stealth, within the timer and only getting spotted twice)
i also would see that if you did get xp from sneaking, you would get very very minimal xp, kind of like the xp you get from BoW targets (blade kills of a target are like only about 10% of the xp you normally get from killing them, if that)
I'm thinking if you would normally get detected but don't get detected, that would register some XP - not as much as a kill but something
Elendir2am wrote: »If they made getting XP for sneaking, then they would have to made XP for fire breathing, bear petting, and other class exclusive activities.
I am not sure how they could implement sneaking xp without someone figuring out how to abuse it. Some “parked” npc mob and then just going afk in stealth nearby comes to mind.
That being said I am all for a stealth skill line for pve (and pvp I guess)
SeaGtGruff wrote: »I am not sure how they could implement sneaking xp without someone figuring out how to abuse it. Some “parked” npc mob and then just going afk in stealth nearby comes to mind.
That being said I am all for a stealth skill line for pve (and pvp I guess)
That's funny, because in my current playthrough of Oblivion I've been doing just that to level up Sneak-- go inside the Imperial Palace, go into Sneak mode (crouch), continuously "walk" toward the wall near the two guards by the door, and do something else on my iPad while my Sneak skill goes up 10 levels.(Yes, I know I could just pay a trainer, but I like to increase my skills on my own.)