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Which dungeons I should look up the mechanics for as a new player?

Soul Shriven
Been running public dungeons, and just unlocked undaunted pledges and wondering if there is a list of dungeons you actually need to know the mechanics for since so far I just throw abilities at the boss while not standing in red and it seems to be working out.
Edited by zos_Izaren on May 28, 2023 6:16AM

Best Answer

  • tomofhyrule
    It's always good to know what to do in the dungeons. Even some of the basegame 2 dungeons have mechanics that will kill players on vet. And most of the vDLCs can't be simply breezed through.

    Xynode's guides were incredible resources when I was learning. I would highly recommend them.

    He's also got trial and arena guides as well if you want to get the info on those.
    Answer ✓
  • YetAnotherLinuxUser
    All of them
  • Dreaders123
    It's not really viable to learn them all. There's a few DLC's like Unhallowed Grave, Gravens Deep where it's helpful for you to know but mostly you'll realistically need to learn by watching others. As you get more proficient start picking some to do at vet level. Then you can read up on the instance first. Most Normal dungeons will not kill you, and are even less likely to wipe the group, based on mechanics. A tank needs to know more, but even then most PUGs you're lucky if there's a real tank at all, let alone one who knows what they are doing, and with high dps and good heals it's fine. My advice is don't stress, just learn them as you go or better yet go with a good guild on voice chat so they can tell you what's what.
  • FeedbackOnly
    Arc of c

    Last boss isn't tauntable

    The one where you in a mount and face wind storms at the top. Everyone needs to gather around boss then dodge big red aoe when it comes. Afterwards get close again or boss will charge

    Rest of mechanics are very much forgivable under lvl 45 for group dungeons aka the undaunted ones

    The difficulty scales so start at lvl 10
  • Si1ver
    Soul Shriven
    It's always good to know what to do in the dungeons. Even some of the basegame 2 dungeons have mechanics that will kill players on vet. And most of the vDLCs can't be simply breezed through.

    Xynode's guides were incredible resources when I was learning. I would highly recommend them.

    He's also got trial and arena guides as well if you want to get the info on those.

    This is pretty much what I was looking for. I will ultimately learn all the dungeons, but I will need time and I want a resource to which I can refer to when I am running into a wall. Obviously, I will prepare for vet dungeons when I attempt them. RN I just want to do my undaunted dailies.
  • SeaGtGruff
    I would proceed in order by what level you must be to run a given dungeon:

    You can sort the above list in ascending order by the last column (Minimum Level). Then the first several would be as follows:

    - The Banished Cells I, Auridon, Minimum Level 10
    - Fungal Grotto I, Stonefalls, Minimum Level 10
    - Spindleclutch I, Glenumbra, Minimum Level 10
    - Darkshade Caverns I, Deshaan, Minimum Level 12
    - Elden Hollow I, Grahtwood, Minimum Level 14
    - Wayrest Sewers I, Stormhaven, Minimum Level 16

    If you want to learn them well, I'd suggest trying to solo them on Normal. If that's too much of a cakewalk for your character, try to solo them on Veteran. Either way, learning how to solo them successfully should help you get the best feel for all of the mobs, bosses, and adds in a given dungeon.

    Running a dungeon with a group can actually hinder that learning process due to speed runners who want to skip everything that can potentially be skipped, as well as players who melt through the enemies so fast that you don't get a chance to really experience the mechanics.

    Plus, if you solo them first then you will be able to do their quests and read any associated lore books at your own speed, and more fully absorb and enjoy their quests. When running them in a group, you probably won't have time to interact with NPCs involved with the quests, so the stories will just fly over your head so fast that you won't have the faintest clue what was going on when it's all over-- and you cannot repeat the quests! Thus, if you care about the quests at all, or think that perhaps one day you might decide that you're curious about them, your best bet is to drop the quest as soon as it's shared with you, so you can run it on your own-- or in a premade group that specifically wants to do the quest slowly-- at a later time.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • zos_Izaren

    After review we have decided to move this thread to a category we think is more appropriate for this topic (Dungeons, Trials & Arenas).

    Thank you for your understanding.
    Staff Post
  • Soarora
    When you go into a dungeon just ask for mechanics and say its your first time or you haven't been there many times. Not everyone might explain mechs or be happy about it, but there are many people out there who will gladly teach you.
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
    • CP 2000+
    • Warden Healer - Arcanist Healer - Warden Brittleden - Stamarc - Sorc Tank - Necro Tank - Templar Tank - Arcanist Tank
    • Trials: 9/12 HMs - 3/8 Tris
    • Dungeons: 30/30 HMs - 24/24 Tris
    • All Veterans completed!

      View my builds!
  • ixthUA
    Just dont activate ESO+, or you'l unlock all DLC dungeons, which are much harder and have lots of mechanics.
  • Si1ver
    Soul Shriven
    ixthUA wrote: »
    Just dont activate ESO+, or you'l unlock all DLC dungeons, which are much harder and have lots of mechanics.

    That boat has already sailed.
  • Braffin
    Awesome to see a new player interested in the game's group content and willing to learn.

    Keep that attitude up and you will master them quite fine :smile:

    A few ideas I have for you would be:

    1) Tell your groupmembers if you don't know a dungeon yet. The community is quite helpful and normally willing to explain.

    2) Try to find a nice guild, if you want to learn at your own pace (and maybe enjoy the story while doing so). If you are on pc eu you can pm me here in forums or ingame and I can invite you to a guild specialized in doing story runs.

    3) Avoid running dungeons using groupfinder. Unfortunately if there is any nasty place in eso it's this finder, as you find
    primarily speedrunners and otherwise not too social people in there.

    4) You can run the dungeons in chronological order, as earlier dungeons are more simple in mechanics than the latter ones. If you wish you can for example this spreadsheet to find out this order:


    6) Don't let yourself demotivate by a few bad experiences. Just let them go, do something else for a while and try again when you feel confident to do so.

    That said: You already witnessed the most important "mechanic" in this game, as you try to stay outside of red circles. You would be astonished how many players out there refuse to do so, even in endgame :wink:

    Hope I could help a bit and hope you have fun exploring the dungeons, arenas and trials of tamriel. Some of them are just marvellous.

    [edited for baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on May 28, 2023 6:53PM
    Never get between a cat and it's candy!
    Overland difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including One Tamriel, an overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver & Gold as a "you think you do but you don't" - tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game. I'm bored of dungeons, I'm bored of trials; make a personal difficulty slider for overland. It's not that hard.
  • ixthUA
    I've been using solely dungeon finder for 6 years by now, while there have been some bad groups, majority were fine. The only common issue is people leaving at start if its a long DLC dungeon, but there are companions that replace them just fine.
    I'd suggest to grab at least 3 companions (tank, healer, dd) to replace team members that left.
  • Dreaders123
    A desire to learn mechanics is totally the right approach. My point is that there is a reality check to the ability to do this effectively. As a responsible player I learned everything I could about Fungal Grotto I. I watched YouTube videos, I read about it (seems funny now), but I was really nervous. I finally joined a run and I had no idea what happened. People just zoomed off, they jumped in water and I couldn't figure out how they got out and next thing I knew it was over and everyone left.

    Of course I ran again and asked a few times and gradually understood what was happening, and this was a path I followed (very very slowly and cautiously) up to Level 45.

    With the dungeons you have access to coming thick and fast, it was suddenly a deluge. 20 odd new dungeons and 60ish bosses and you could get any of them on a random. if you can learn that by reading and not experiencing and remember which bosses are in the dungeon you spawn into then awesome, but it's not really viable.

    This is the point I was making to please don't be paralysed by worry or too hard on yourself. You want to know the mechanics and that's a great attitude, but relax about it. Lots of folks dont follow Normal mechanics and Im not talking about newbies - I'm talking about the high rank experts, so it's even harder to learn that way.

    Enjoy the chaos, and ideally use a guild to learn properly, and certainly read up on them properly as you decide to do vet versions. It will work out, the worst that can happen isn't that bad and I do see a lot of new players fret about this. I just didn't want it to stop you enjoyng yourself.
  • FrancisCrawford
    All of them

    Exactly my view.

    You usually can ignore suggested strategies, but you should know what problems the strategies are supposed to solve.

    Most often overlooked are fights in which the boss regains health if you ignore mechanics, such as a snake boss in Arx Corinium or the final boss (Drodda) in Direfrost Keep.

    If nothing else, read the mechanics that involve boss healing or player incapacitation.
  • Si1ver
    Soul Shriven
    Braffin wrote: »
    Awesome to see a new player interested in the game's group content and willing to learn.

    Keep that attitude up and you will master them quite fine :smile:

    A few ideas I have for you would be:

    1) Tell your groupmembers if you don't know a dungeon yet. The community is quite helpful and normally willing to explain.

    2) Try to find a nice guild, if you want to learn at your own pace (and maybe enjoy the story while doing so). If you are on pc eu you can pm me here in forums or ingame and I can invite you to a guild specialized in doing story runs.

    3) Avoid running dungeons using groupfinder. Unfortunately if there is any nasty place in eso it's this finder, as you find
    primarily speedrunners and otherwise not too social people in there.

    4) You can run the dungeons in chronological order, as earlier dungeons are more simple in mechanics than the latter ones. If you wish you can for example this spreadsheet to find out this order:


    6) Don't let yourself demotivate by a few bad experiences. Just let them go, do something else for a while and try again when you feel confident to do so.

    That said: You already witnessed the most important "mechanic" in this game, as you try to stay outside of red circles. You would be astonished how many players out there refuse to do so, even in endgame :wink:

    Hope I could help a bit and hope you have fun exploring the dungeons, arenas and trials of tamriel. Some of them are just marvellous.

    [edited for baiting]

    1) I rather avoid wasting ppl's time by making them explain the mechanics to me, which is why I want to know them beforehand, but ye i will mention im new tho its apparent with my level
    2)NA, but ty
    3) I am fine with speedrunning, did a lot of it myself in swtor
    4)That flow chart will be very useful, ty

  • Dr_Con
    there's a lot of visual cues that people ignore, not everything will be in guides. pay attention to what the game is telling you- example, the last boss on Arx Corinium requires that you put the boss in water to get rid of the damage shield... not everyone knows that, but if you look at the boss's HP bar and what happens when she moves over water, it's very obvious that it she needs to be in water.

    your PUG group members probably don't expect you to know all the mechs either (and maybe they don't know them!). When in doubt, start on normal- veteran is mostly for undaunted keys and monster helm sets at the lowest levels of gameplay.
  • GlacialMaw
    Soul Shriven
    Agree with a lot of people here. Reading up on a dungeon will only get you so far. Learn by watching others and learn by doing. Go into a dungeon and let them know that you have read up on the dungeon but are new to it. Many folks will be more than understanding and will help where necessary
  • FrancisCrawford
    Dr_Con wrote: »
    there's a lot of visual cues that people ignore, not everything will be in guides. pay attention to what the game is telling you- example, the last boss on Arx Corinium requires that you put the boss in water to get rid of the damage shield... not everyone knows that, but if you look at the boss's HP bar and what happens when she moves over water, it's very obvious that it she needs to be in water.

    your PUG group members probably don't expect you to know all the mechs either (and maybe they don't know them!). When in doubt, start on normal- veteran is mostly for undaunted keys and monster helm sets at the lowest levels of gameplay.

    No doubt.

    ALWAYS do a dungeon first on normal. Normal is the mode in which to learn what's where and what the most basic mechanics are.
  • Amottica
    All of them

    This. And if reading about the mechanics or watching videos is not something one wants to do it is best to run with guildies on comms so they can explain the fights. Well, it is always best to run with guildies and players one knows.

  • El_Borracho
    All of the DLC dungeons on Vet need to be looked up before running. The Normal versions do not prepare you for the mechanics at all.

    While its wise to look up all of them, the base dungeons are pretty easy and telegraph the mechanics. Most of it is "don't stand in stupid." The only one I think that is not obvious is Direfrost Keep's last boss where you need to break free.
  • SeaGtGruff
    Dr_Con wrote: »
    the last boss on Arx Corinium requires that you put the boss in water to get rid of the damage shield

    What? I had no idea. So I should taunt her and lead her into water? I'll have to try that the next time I solo that dungeon.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • El_Borracho
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    Dr_Con wrote: »
    the last boss on Arx Corinium requires that you put the boss in water to get rid of the damage shield

    What? I had no idea. So I should taunt her and lead her into water? I'll have to try that the next time I solo that dungeon.

    Yes. Especially on hard mode. Makes the fight much quicker
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