Ever bored of waiting in the never ending dungeon queues, well, I think I have some solutions to this problem...
Behind this pole: when queueing for dungeons that are DLC or veteran difficulty sometimes even normal I will get bored of waiting in a long queue of 10 minutes or more. I should be spending that time doing super fun and awesome dungeons already..
A Red Have dungeon queues like how Guild Wars 2 has them set up that there are no specific roles required to queue as. There are no roles and the dungeon can still be completed when the group is all dps, all tanks, all healers, mixed skill sets, mix specs, basically the group is completely random.
B purple Have the autofill option like of League of Legends that after a certain amount of time (after 5 minutes for example of being in queue) It will place player as a random role that isnt popular (such as tank or healer) and the skill lines will automatically be adjusted.
c Blue Create two new queue-able dungeon options for Normal Difficulty DLC Dungeons and for Veteran DLC Dungeons. Hmmm...
D Yellow What other suggestions?
something about dungeon queues 8 votes
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