Quests are very buggy

Its very annoying that 50% of the quest I do bug out and have to restart them, and that does not even fix the problem. Its becoming a huge issue where I am running out of quests to do around my level because so many of them are bugging out and not being fixed plz fix this isssue!!!
  • Chirru
    ah...they are doing this now...the server went down twice in a day (24h) period,
  • Baphomet
    Fortunately, I've only had two quests bug on me so it seems some are hit harder than others (level 27 now).
    - The Psijic Order
    - TKO
    - Dominant Dominion
    - The Noore
  • Chirru
    most of the bugs have to do with instancing.
    too many players in the same instance at the same time.
    the system can not cope with that.

    one way to fix this might be to limit the number of players in one instance by opening up more instances of the same quest.

    the most player avatars I counted in one instance was 20. I know because we were all stuck in there and could not get out lol.
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