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Cross-faction guilds, but not partying?

I tried to party my AD alt with my wife's DC main to no avail earlier, so I'm a little confused on the concept. How will we raid, if we can't party together? We can trade, talk, communicate, and work together in the same guilds, but not in general partying?

What about at 50 and Veteran Rank 1, when you can go to other factions? Can we then party together (say, my wife's new L1 AD alt partying with my Vet 1 DC)? It seems a little odd to lock that ability to L50 characters.
"It's morally wrong to suggest gameplay changes for an MMO."
...seriously, someone told me that once here. The things people will do to win their internet arguments!
  • Swordmage
    You will never be able to group an AD and DC character together (except possibly in the adventure zones (we don't know yet). At level 50+ and 50++ you will still be in zones with only other characters in your own alliance.

    Now is probably the time to decide which alliance you will both play in and one of you will need to create a new character. At least with the pre-order, you will be able to play any race in any alliance so you don't need to give up your current race/class vision.
  • Rasta
    This is an interesting concept TESO has allowed.
    For the most part, I find the biggest advantage of joining a guild belonging to another alliance is trading recipes.
    I'm sure people who just want to try and play another alliance would appreciate being able to talk to their guild. I feel people would just use some form of voice communication though.
    Would be nice if at level 50 there could be some form of grouping allowed between alliances, even if only temporary.
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    ShinChuck wrote: »
    I tried to party my AD alt with my wife's DC main to no avail earlier, so I'm a little confused on the concept. How will we raid, if we can't party together? We can trade, talk, communicate, and work together in the same guilds, but not in general partying?

    What about at 50 and Veteran Rank 1, when you can go to other factions? Can we then party together (say, my wife's new L1 AD alt partying with my Vet 1 DC)? It seems a little odd to lock that ability to L50 characters.

    How is the concept hard to comprehend. The idea isnt that you group. But that while on alternate characters in other factions. You can still socially interact. Access the Guild Bank and Store.

    Youre given the ability to join upwards to 5 Guilds. This means you are encompassed with a larger pool of players for socializing/partying/raiding/trading and a larger pool of resources and items to be sold/bought.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • ShinChuck
    Rasta wrote: »
    This is an interesting concept TESO has allowed.
    For the most part, I find the biggest advantage of joining a guild belonging to another alliance is trading recipes.
    I'm sure people who just want to try and play another alliance would appreciate being able to talk to their guild. I feel people would just use some form of voice communication though.
    Would be nice if at level 50 there could be some form of grouping allowed between alliances, even if only temporary.

    Considering we can PvP together (if I understand it right!), it did catch me a little by surprise that we couldn't party!

    It is nice to be able to chat with your guild, a nice extension of the concept of cross-faction communication. WoW allowed it on a one-to-one basis via RealID, then Rift allowed it for everything but guilding (and eventually added full-on cross-faction partying too).

    Lorewise, I wonder how they justify the communication and trading but complete inability to adventure together?
    "It's morally wrong to suggest gameplay changes for an MMO."
    ...seriously, someone told me that once here. The things people will do to win their internet arguments!
  • nudel
    Saying you can PVP together is a stretch.

    You can PVP together in the sense that you can be in the vicinity of eachother at the same time in a PVP area. You will however be considered enemies for game purposes. You will thus be committing friendly (lol) fire even while trying to play together. Also people in your respective alliances who come across you will likely not understand or agree to your truce. "Enemy icon. Must Kill"

    Like it or not, it is alliance warfare. While races can choose a side different than the side associated with their race, they cannot change sides when it's convenient.

    The best you could hope for is to meet up in a secluded part of Cyrodiil and attempt to dungeon together. You will have to avoid pretty much every other player of any alliance unless you're able to convince them that you're neutral. You'll also have to be extremely careful in attacking enemies. Killing your wife while attempting to down a boss with your baddass AOE. Yeah it's gonna happen...a lot.
  • ShinChuck
    nudel wrote: »
    Saying you can PVP together is a stretch.

    You can PVP together in the sense that you can be in the vicinity of eachother at the same time in a PVP area. You will however be considered enemies for game purposes. You will thus be committing friendly (lol) fire even while trying to play together. Also people in your respective alliances who come across you will likely not understand or agree to your truce. "Enemy icon. Must Kill"

    Yeah? Is that how Cyrodill works? Same campaign, but still enemies? I honestly wasn't sure, I haven't tried it yet, was going to hit it up today when the servers were back, heheh.
    "It's morally wrong to suggest gameplay changes for an MMO."
    ...seriously, someone told me that once here. The things people will do to win their internet arguments!
  • nudel

    In the PTS, players would often 1v1 duel eachother. This was a nice diversion and definitely created cross-Alliance comradery. However, even then...even with a very very empty Cyrodiil and most people being in the same guild and thus being privy to the truce...even then people died to randoms along the way. Or randoms at the duel site. Or randoms who came upon them dueling and misunderstood their match for an Alliance battle and joined in.

    In a live game, you're gonna have a really hard time if you don't at least make alternate same-Alliance characters for playing with eachother.
  • DMuehlhausen
    I like the idea, but it is confusing. Honestly I think they should have allowed the communication, and mailing/trading, but cross faction shouldn't be allowed in the same guild. It just doesn't make sense to allow that, but then not group
  • ShinChuck
    nudel wrote: »

    Gotcha, thanks! That's interesting, and makes it a little more... well, confusing, as the next poster says. I guess for me it just seems a little weird the lengths they went to for cross-faction communication and interaction, but then stopped short in a few random areas.
    "It's morally wrong to suggest gameplay changes for an MMO."
    ...seriously, someone told me that once here. The things people will do to win their internet arguments!
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