~€■■■■■■■€> STAVES TOGGLE IDEA...

Hello people.

I would really like it if we had the ability to toggle the delivery type of damage from our staves.

Flame staff = big windup, single target.
Frost staff = big windup, single target.
Lightning staff = channeled attack, aoe.
Healing staff = channeled attacks, single target.

Imagine if we had the ability to toggle the delivery of attacks...

Proposed idea:
Flame staff = big windup, single target + flamethrower, aoe.
Frost staff = big windup, single target + blizzard, aoe.
Lightning staff = big windup, single target + channeled attack, aoe.
Healing staff, big windup, single target + channeled attack.

I would love to use the different elements more with the freedom of how I like to play. As it is, we are force to play with a certain element because of the delivery system.

I believe this change would allow for more build diversity and fun in the game.

Edited by VvwvenomwvV on May 8, 2023 11:35AM
  • isadoraisacat
    Hello people.

    I would really like it if we had the ability to toggle the delivery type of damage from our staves.

    Flame staff = big windup, single target.
    Frost staff = big windup, single target.
    Lightning staff = channeled attack, aoe.
    Healing staff = channeled attacks, single target.

    Imagine if we had the ability to toggle the delivery of attacks...

    Proposed idea:
    Flame staff = big windup, single target + flame thrower, aoe.
    Frost staff = big windup, single target + blizzard, aoe.
    Lightning staff = big windup, single target + channeled attack, aoe.
    Healing staff, big windup, single target + channeled attack.

    I would love to use the different elements more with the freedom of how I like to play. As it is, we are force to play with a certain element because of the delivery system.

    I believe this change would allow for more build diversity and fun in the game.


    I like this idea. That’s all.
  • thorwyn
    Next stop: toggle between staff and sword/shield? So tanks can now use oakensoul too?
    Making build decisions meaningless does not increase build diversity.
    Edited by thorwyn on May 8, 2023 4:14AM
    And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
    And if there is no room upon the hill
    And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too
    I'll see you on the dark side of the moon
  • Soarora
    This I would not mind. It'd also open up an opportunity to deal with one of the problems with HA: infinite sustain. Have the wind-up attack give resource and the AoE/channel take.

    Edit: which is also an immersion issue. I've seen comments about coming from Skyrim... well in Skyrim a heavy attack takes resource ahaha. I don't recall it being the case with staves persay but it is with melee weapons. Also an opportunity to do the same for all weapons, essentially doubling the amount of weapon choices and allowing people to really play how they want.
    Edited by Soarora on May 8, 2023 4:38AM
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
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  • isadoraisacat
    Soarora wrote: »
    This I would not mind. It'd also open up an opportunity to deal with one of the problems with HA: infinite sustain. Have the wind-up attack give resource and the AoE/channel take.

    Edit: which is also an immersion issue. I've seen comments about coming from Skyrim... well in Skyrim a heavy attack takes resource ahaha. I don't recall it being the case with staves persay but it is with melee weapons. Also an opportunity to do the same for all weapons, essentially doubling the amount of weapon choices and allowing people to really play how they want.

    It’s more about the style of game play, the relaxed and less shoot ‘em up pew pew feel of Skyrim vs this games “standard” combat aka a more guitar hero like finger waltz combat.

    I’m not sure how it’s “an immersion” issue when all the elder scrolls games have literally different leveling and combat systems from the next.
    Edited by isadoraisacat on May 8, 2023 4:44AM
  • Soarora

    It’s more about the style of game play, the relaxed and less shoot ‘em up pew pew feel of Skyrim vs this games “standard” combat aka a more guitar hero like finger waltz combat.

    I’m not sure how it’s “an immersion” issue when all the elder scrolls games have literally different leveling and combat systems from the next.

    I'm not talking only about you I'm pretty sure I've seen it mentioned somewhere that heavy attacking giving resource made no sense to them because in previous games it took resource. And in all cases I know of in the single player games heavy attacks take resource. But anyways, it does physically not make sense that a heavy attack would give resource either, it's counter-intuitive.
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
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  • isadoraisacat
    Soarora wrote: »

    I'm not talking only about you I'm pretty sure I've seen it mentioned somewhere that heavy attacking giving resource made no sense to them because in previous games it took resource. And in all cases I know of in the single player games heavy attacks take resource. But anyways, it does physically not make sense that a heavy attack would give resource either, it's counter-intuitive.

    Who cares about resources.(I still choose lighting staff even if it didn’t give resources) It’s about the gameplay style in general. Wall of storms was the best spell
    In Skyrim and the lighting staff is the closest to that spell or that spell on a staff. It’s not about wanting resources back it’s about finding things that resemble combat you like more. Not everyone like animation canceling / weaving and that style of rhythm combat.

    If I had it my way this game would have the exact combat to Skyrim but that won’t happen. But I can find a play style that is closer to that than the “standard” combat. And that’s why some people like HA not because it’s the “meta” or best but because it feels closer to what they like.
    Edited by isadoraisacat on May 8, 2023 5:12AM
  • VvwvenomwvV
    Lol...starts discussion about the "delivery type" of damage, gets insta-switched to resources. 😆

    Seriously, I like ( as do most people who run a lightning staff ) the ability to attack multiple targets at once. Some people like the other staves for the single target burst damage. We are forced to use those elements that are bound to those delivery types, even tho they are all staves. It would make sense to have the option to toggle how you want to run that element.

    I for one, would love to have a flamethrower and a snowblower, and still be able to to do single target if I want play that way. Having access to these other elements would add some fun to the game.

  • isadoraisacat
    Lol...starts discussion about the "delivery type" of damage, gets insta-switched to resources. 😆

    Seriously, I like ( as do most people who run a lightning staff ) the ability to attack multiple targets at once. Some people like the other staves for the single target burst damage. We are forced to use those elements that are bound to those delivery types, even tho they are all staves. It would make sense to have the option to toggle how you want to run that element.

    I for one, would love to have a flamethrower and a snowblower, and still be able to to do single target if I want play that way. Having access to these other elements would add some fun to the game.

    Exactly it’s about the play style, if people think that’s why many are using the lighting staff they they likely don’t understand the mindset of those interested it non rhythm based combat which is the majority of elder scrolls combat save for this game.

    Some people just want something closest to action rpg combat and not this rhythm guitar hero combat aka weaving that’s in this game. I’d use lighting staff regardless if resources, and you get a resource back with the other staffs (at least inferno never used the ice staff ) with a. Heavy attack ball of fire thing so it’s not even exclusive to lighting. It’s just the channeled attack is more fun to use.
  • Soarora
    Lol...starts discussion about the "delivery type" of damage, gets insta-switched to resources. 😆

    Seriously, I like ( as do most people who run a lightning staff ) the ability to attack multiple targets at once. Some people like the other staves for the single target burst damage. We are forced to use those elements that are bound to those delivery types, even tho they are all staves. It would make sense to have the option to toggle how you want to run that element.

    I for one, would love to have a flamethrower and a snowblower, and still be able to to do single target if I want play that way. Having access to these other elements would add some fun to the game.

    I just think it’d be a good addition and immersive to have one take resource and one gain, really feel like you’re expending power to create a great expanse of magic. And it’d bring some game balance as well along with allowing people to choose if they want their HAs to take or gain resource. Wins all around to me. Opens more choice for people.
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
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  • VvwvenomwvV
    Nope, messing with resources ( which is not what this post is about ) is a way to nerf HA. Anything that uses HA gains resources from it. Take tanking for example. Anyway, I'm begging Zos to allow us the ability to toggle the delivery type of damage from staves.

    Imagine this...they would probably see an increase in race change tokens because some people would like to add fire, or frost as an aoe on their favorite builds, instead of just lighting. Last I checked, fire and frost works as an aoe IRL anyway. I would also like single target at times from my lighting staff as well.
  • Soarora
    Nope, messing with resources ( which is not what this post is about ) is a way to nerf HA. Anything that uses HA gains resources from it. Take tanking for example. Anyway, I'm begging Zos to allow us the ability to toggle the delivery type of damage from staves.

    Imagine this...they would probably see an increase in race change tokens because some people would like to add fire, or frost as an aoe on their favorite builds, instead of just lighting. Last I checked, fire and frost works as an aoe IRL anyway. I would also like single target at times from my lighting staff as well.

    Well yeah, but not in any way that would destroy it, just add balance and dynamics. Besides, could even be the other way around where a channel sucks magicka from the enemy and a burst uses magicka. I made the addition to your post not simply as a subtle “nerf ha” but because I genuinely think it’s a good expansion on your idea. I think it’d be awesome, for several reasons. Heck, I’d love to try out an advanced HA build myself switching between AoE and single. Also, race has nothing to do with elemental damage. Only resistance.

    And also expanding this idea into all weapons would actually let ZOS buff non-lightning HA builds. One mode, less damage but gain resource. Other mode, unique damaging style, take resource. You cannot deny this would ADD dynamics to the HA scene and DECREASE calls to nerf it while keeping HA perfectly viable (since HA would truly be functioning as a spammable).
    Edited by Soarora on May 8, 2023 7:23PM
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
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  • VvwvenomwvV
    They could go back and add shock to High Elf, Fire to Dark Elf, Frost to Nord, Poison to Argonian, etc. That would be fun.
  • Soarora
    They could go back and add shock to High Elf, Fire to Dark Elf, Frost to Nord, Poison to Argonian, etc. That would be fun.

    It could be but then race would matter more and it'd be a whole thing about "I can't use the race I want to because it's not as viable for my build as other races". I think dunmer actually did more fire damage at one point but don't quote me on that. A stronger elemental system would be awesome as someone who builds based off themes though.
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
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  • FeedbackOnly
    Heavy attack animations on most staves are boring and unimmersive. Take my agree
  • isadoraisacat
    Heavy attack animations on most staves are boring and unimmersive. Take my agree

    But your character having a fit from weaving is immersive to you?
  • VvwvenomwvV
    8 years. Seriously, it would be a fresh feel to have. I'd love to run different elements, and do so in a way I like to play the game.
  • isadoraisacat
    Nope, messing with resources ( which is not what this post is about ) is a way to nerf HA. Anything that uses HA gains resources from it. Take tanking for example. Anyway, I'm begging Zos to allow us the ability to toggle the delivery type of damage from staves.

    Imagine this...they would probably see an increase in race change tokens because some people would like to add fire, or frost as an aoe on their favorite builds, instead of just lighting. Last I checked, fire and frost works as an aoe IRL anyway. I would also like single target at times from my lighting staff as well.

    There is enough threads of people pushing pro HA nerfs. We don’t need more of it in a thread that’s just about gameplay style.

    Edited by isadoraisacat on May 9, 2023 5:16AM
  • Rasande_Robin
    You basically have the concept for a "wand" version for respective staff... new weapon with new abilities.
    PC/EU: Orcana "something"-stone
  • isadoraisacat
    You basically have the concept for a "wand" version for respective staff... new weapon with new abilities.

    In Skyrim staves offer different types of ways elemental spells are cast.

    Lighting can shot a little burst or a wall of lighting etc
    Flame a short little burst or a fire bolt or a wall of fire.
    Ice - an ice storm or little ice crystal etc

    It’s in Skyrim so I don’t see it being out of reach to bring it in to this game. It just offers variety.
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