The Shipwrecked Pirates PV+ Daggerfall Covenant


The exact origins of The Shipwrecked Pirates are not overly clear. Be it because of a code of secrecy or long years at sea filled with battle and grog, who is to know. Some of the taller tales have even spoke of them being belched forth from the ocean itself. Sent forth by Davey Jones to take the world by storm.

What is known is that the first confirmed report of their existence was when they were found washed upon the shores of Mourning in the Shadowbane realm. Further adventures took the crew into the lands of Archimonde of the Warcraft World. It was here that TSP let the world know that “/spit be a pirate sign o’ respect”. [PC Gamer Article: July 2005 Issue 150] PC Gamer Article

More recent adventures have seen The Shipwrecked Pirates hold court with King Conan, trade fire with overweight Russians accompanied by German doctors, and curse repeatedly anything the minions of Sony dare build.

The crew flies a black flag with a white anchor. They do this as a reminder of the trials they faced after the loss of the Salty Maid and the shame that overwhelms a pirate who becomes shipwrecked. It continues to be worn by the crew to reinforce their resolve to not let the Salty Maid ever fall again lest they all go down with her.

Games in which the TSP flag has been flown: Shadowbane, DAoC, World of Warcraft, L2, Guild Wars, Gunbound, CS:S, Travian, DDO, Vanguard, League of Legends, World in Conflict, Team Fortress 2, Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, Darkfall Online, Rifts, and Guild Wars 2.

The Shipwrecked Pirates is an RP/PVP guild, which has a strict recruitment policy and a mature player-base; however, we go out of our way to welcome new sea dogs. We look forward to playing alongside/against you!

If you want a voice in guild direction, a fun group of people to game with, and your idea of fun is hearing the lamentations of your foes, then The Shipwrecked Pirates is for you! Don't be another face amongst the masses!

The Shipwrecked Pirates
  • Sins_Vorkag
    Aye, be lookin' fer new hands ta be killin' scurvy Dominion 'n Pact wretches!
    Do'Sins Sea-mane
    Khajiit Nightblade
    The Shipwrecked Pirates
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