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Grinding Locations.


So, I'm one of those people who HATES having to run around killing stuff, then run a mile back just to return a quest for a tiny amount of Experience. After seeing multiple people hit level 50, and experiencing how easy it actually is to grind EXP compared to questing, I'd much rather do that. I'm a end game guy and would most likely spend 12+ hours a day just farming the dungeons for the best loot possible. Questing really isn't my thing.

I'm currently level 19, and have no idea where to grind. I've tried a few places, though most don't have enough mobs or give too little experience points. From 10 - 16 I farmed at Vivec's Antlers, since then have been questing as I haven't known where to go.. But, this is boring.

I'd appreciate the help. :) Thanks. [Ebonheart]
  • Varko
    I would try questing man. I know you don't like it.but it will be the most efficient, also enjoy the scenery a little..
  • Victt
    I've been trying, but it's so boring and I get hardly any exp. xD Also get a lot more drops, and gold from killing monsters so there's like 0 reasons why I should be questing. I'm assuming the Main Story is quite short as I only get a part every 5 levels, so that's not really a problem. I'll be doing all the dungeons as I level also.
  • Varko
    I'm not really understanding you... questing gives great xp. Also the stories can be quite interesting.
  • Victt
    I grinded 10 - 16 in 1 hour and 30 minutes. You can't do that with quests. ;o I'm also leveling quicker just killing random mobs at the moment.. I've tried doing a few quests at my level. Story can be interesting sometimes, sure but most of the time it's boring.
  • knightblaster
    Grinding is often efficient in MMOs. I think you will find most people who are TES fans, though, prefer the story/quest approach.
  • Victt
    Grinding is often efficient in MMOs. I think you will find most people who are TES fans, though, prefer the story/quest approach.

    They do, though grinding is still more efficient here compared to questing. I'm personally used to grinding in every mmo I play.
  • Victt
    Bumping, and sleeping. :(
  • Dixa
    Try a korean mmorpg. Those have exactly what you are looking for. Not questing is not what elder scrolls games have been about since morrowind.
  • Digm
    If it's efficiency you're looking for, then see if you can get a group of buddies together and Aoe tag/grind public dungeons (though they may have nerfed the mob xp for those).
    Edited by Digm on April 1, 2014 1:23AM
    Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!
  • Victt
    Dixa wrote: »
    Try a korean mmorpg. Those have exactly what you are looking for. Not questing is not what elder scrolls games have been about since morrowind.

    ... Grinding is more effective that questing here.

    Thanks Digm, I'll give that a try tomorrow. They also nerfed the private dungeon EXP by the looks of it which sucks. I get like, 0 exp from killing stuff in there. :(
  • hrdndv_ESO
    Yep. If you kill stuff much below your level you get zero experience. I found that moving north the level of mobs goes up, so just move north until you get the level you want. I also found grinding is the only way to easily get through some levels. However I prefer the quests when I can find one I am sufficiently leveled to do. Also, the fastest way to level above level 10 seems to be killing players in Cyrodil. You really need a good group to kill players rapidly. Called zerging when you do it outside combat locations. Kind of fun though.
    Edited by hrdndv_ESO on April 1, 2014 1:39AM
  • dispatcher505_ESO
    I don't see what everyone's rush is to get to max level. It's a new game for crying out loud. Enjoy it. Check out all the aspects of it. Not to mention, the end game is not even going to be complete at this stage. All these people are gonna do is sprint into a brick wall and then say......wow, didn't see that coming.
  • Victt
    I don't see what everyone's rush is to get to max level. It's a new game for crying out loud.

    Because it's a new game, and everyone wants to hit cap asap to get into end-game content and get gear.
  • Xionar
    People likely won't tell you their grinding spots, they'll tell their friends only, that way the spot doesn't get overrun with people and it ceases to be a good leveling spot.

    My best advice is to go to a zone about 5 levels higher than you, and search for a high dense area to farm, this would give the best results for you. As for specifics I can't really say, because I'm DC.
  • Lensar
    Soul Shriven
    Dixa wrote: »
    Try a korean mmorpg. Those have exactly what you are looking for. Not questing is not what elder scrolls games have been about since morrowind.

    I disagree with you, completely.

    Elder scrolls games have certainly been about quests, but not quests like ESO. I've quested my way up to level 17 so far, because I find the combat and character progression systems to be enjoyable. I also look forward to participating in AvA once more people start giving it a try.

    The problem is that quests in ESO are generic and superficial. I have lots of memories of the things I did in Skyrim and other elder scrolls games, given the nature of the quests. After 17 levels in ESO, I have virtually no memory of what I've done, because all the quests feel essentially the same to me.

    I just now had a guildie ask me if I'd done a specific quest because they were stuck on a step. I remember seeing the name, but had no idea off-hand which quest that might have been. He then clarified by saying, "The one where so and so NPC follows you around and your goal is to break up the ritual." That also failed to narrow it down for me.

    While I understand that many people enjoy that type of question, you should also understand that many of us do not. Just because you enjoy questing doesn't make it right for me to say, "Try reading some books, those have exactly the type of story lines you're looking for."

    Running around from waypoint to waypoint, clicking through insignificant and uninspired quest text, is not interesting to me, and many others like me. I don't care if questing gives XP 5 times faster than other methods, I would still prefer to do something that involves an active and consistent use of combat skills, be it in PvP, dungeons, or even plain open-world grinding.

    Everyone plays MMOs for different reasons. I play them because I enjoy the moment to moment decision making required to fight effectively in combat. This is fun for me because it takes up just enough brain power to keep me mentally engaged, and effectively distracted from stuff like work, that I might otherwise be worrying about. Uncompelling quest text and eventless travel back and forth across zones just doesn't do that for me.

    Edited by Lensar on April 1, 2014 10:52PM
  • AppleFetish
    I truly wish that just once someone could ask a question on where to accomplish [certain activity that fits with a certain play style] and get more responses from people with an interest in that play style, than they do from people disparaging them for daring to enjoy the game in a way that they "just can't understand".

    OP: I can't offer you any secret spot info, but I can help out by letting you know that you would be better off grinding in the open world. They seriously nerfed dungeon XP. There are definitely a few places I've run across where the spawn rate is such that you could do that.
  • Ciovala
    I disagree about the superficial quests. I've had no shortage of amazing ones in Aldmeri Dominion.

    One was about these people trapped in their own personal hells kinda, another was just a simple one where a mother had you pray at the graves of her children. Still, quite good. As for grinding to the end - to each his or her own.
    Edited by Ciovala on April 1, 2014 11:12PM
    Looking for a mature and helpful social guild - play PvE, PvP, and like crafting.
  • Alexies
    you're free to grind to VR10 if you want, but just a word of warning you will be very disappointing when you get there. this game is pretty much made for quests and story, with a large helping of PVP. the focus isn't endgame, hell the adventure zone and trials aren't even being added until the first patch a good few weeks away.

    so if you really want to grind to max and miss all the actual content fine, but don't come whining on the forums when theres no more content.
    Edited by Alexies on April 1, 2014 11:32PM
  • freddy_hgnrb18_ESO
    As far as I am aware the experiance gain is best in the following circumstances (eg Most > Least)

    Questing > Exploring/Discovering > Crafting/Chests > Killing Enemies

    I was playing last night, using the Tamriel Foundry addon and was noticing what I was getting XP from.

    Random creature kills of level 5-6 was about 50-60xp. Picking locks on chests was about 80+

    They have made a world to be explored .. i'm sorry if you don;t like the questing system, but it is the most effective way of gaining experience.
  • Ashigaru
    I get crazy xp grinding cyrodiil and a ton of drops. If your interested just shoot me a msg here or in game and ill group up. Even with the changes to mob xp its still on par or even better than questing depending on how fast you kill and in cyrodiil the higher your lvl the more xp per kill you get so the more you lvl the faster it gets., you just have to know how to do it correctly. I Am like you in only quest when i don't have enough people to go grind. I get tired of running back and forth all the time.
  • Swordmage
    Grouping in the Undaunted dungeons should also be good grinding XP.
  • Kolur
    Ashigaru wrote: »
    Where do u grind? what mobs? how (as in solo with Insta respawns or In group since more ppl = faster respawns In ur location)
    Also Ingame name and server please :smile:
  • Ashigaru
    our forum names are our @ handles as far as i know :) and i am AD
  • Maestro_Sartori
    Victt wrote: »
    I grinded 10 - 16 in 1 hour and 30 minutes. You can't do that with quests. ;o I'm also leveling quicker just killing random mobs at the moment.. I've tried doing a few quests at my level. Story can be interesting sometimes, sure but most of the time it's boring.

    Hello, where did you grind this at?

  • Feanamonb14_ESO
    I was planing on leveling thru Cyrodil but when I was doing it i was not getting that much xp. Any tips on how to level fast? Just be in a huge group?
  • Vikova
    Find a grinding guild. They exist and will be your only good bet for people sharing their spots. People aren't going to post on the public forums where they AoE grind, because then it will get crowded.
  • Hawtsauce
    I was planing on leveling thru Cyrodil but when I was doing it i was not getting that much xp. Any tips on how to level fast? Just be in a huge group?

    Me too, I wanted to experience some of the story since I am new to The Elder Scrolls franchise and do some questing / exploring and stuff but I want my main focus to be PvP and would prefer to spend most my time there however the XP is not nearly as good as PvE. Quests seem to be giving a little better XP as I level but it does seem like grinding mobs is better - better XP, lots more drops to deconstruct and research and better $. Im not in a rush to hit 50 but I would like to get to lvl 30 so I have the majority of my skills unlocked so I have a larger toolbox and get some passives unlocked so I am more competitive in PvP.
    I got spanked HARD by a v3 player a few nights ago ( Im lvl 14 ) I have no problem with that , he should have stomped me - I just want to gain some skills that will lessen the gap so skill has more effect on the outcome rather than lvl and gear.

    Ebonheart Pact
    Darkmoon - Mag NB
    Ermak - Mag Templar
    Pukk - Stam NB
    Hawtsauce - Mag DK
    Mystik - Mag Sorc
    Brutikus - Stam DK
  • metaldrummer1962b14a_ESO
    Go explore and you will find what you want
  • cbclark
    Soul Shriven
    Guys the question isn't why questing is better or how this game is about lore and reading stories or whatever. He just wants to know where good mob spawns are.
  • knightblaster
    One place where there are always grind groups is the Argonian village at the very east of Deshaan --- all the way to the east, where the human mobs are, the respawn times are tiny, and the two times I have been there, always a grind group running around to level. I'll bet it's quite fast XP if you have the stomach for it.
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