Artwork I have commissioned of my main, Dra'ni

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
I recently decided to change my persona to my main character in ESO, named Dra'ni, who is a Khajiit vampire. I have some friends who are all very talented artists, and have been throwing money at them to get some artwork done. I'd say these artworks are rare because you don't see Khajiit vampire artwork very much, so I hope people can enjoy them.

This was the first one, an avatar done by my friend Mahleisen


This was the second, an avatar done by another friend, Ratte


And lastly, and the absolute best, a full body also done by Ratte


I have a full-body in the works from Mahleisen too, I will post that as soon as it is finished. As you may also notice, there is one noticeable difference in these commissions - my fangs are much larger than they are in ESO, but if you've ever played a Khajiit vampire in Skyrim, you'll know straight away where I got this idea from.

I hope people enjoy these!
  • Soarora
    They both have really awesome art styles!! So nice to look at and so detailed. I noticed the fangs right away I love long fangs on Khajiit vampires.
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
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  • PurpleScroll
    Soarora wrote: »
    They both have really awesome art styles!! So nice to look at and so detailed. I noticed the fangs right away I love long fangs on Khajiit vampires.

    Thank you! Yeah I really love both of their styles, and it seems a lot of people love Khajiit vampire fangs like this.
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