I thought there should be a change your character's looks as much as you want purchase for $5 at most. If it requires $10 or $20 to change your character's head shape and more unlimited, that could be done. 4/17/2023, the game started me out within last month that I have to choose a random look. For my Nord Dragon Knight, I chose a bald head, scars on face and a like square head with some slight facial hair mustache and like goatee, more like a 5 O clock shadow look. My face is roundish and quite attractive as so. I thought I should get a free change ticket for buying the whole game and expansions with it, except Necrom; I haven't gotten that far yet.
My Briton Templar, I chose a roundish attractive face and like some light brown face hair, again like you haven't shaved your face in like three days. Bald head
I think I should get two free change tickets for both my characters. In Fallout 76, it lets me change my appearance as much as I want. I thought it's not as big of a game as ESO.