The war in Cyrodiil continues and campaigns reset for quite some years now. Would it not be a good idea to keep a historical track:
1 The number of cycles each campaign had.
2 The number of faction wins.
3 Naming of Emperors.
4 Number of stronghold turns
5 Strongest classes
6 .... other
Having these kind of data would bring a bit more reasons to play pvp in Cyrodiil, increase faction loyalty, and would be strong indicators of activity in campaigns leading to personal interests. It would also measure where progressive changes favoring balance are needed.
Edited by Tigor on April 13, 2023 1:03PM GM - Decimation Elite - Ebonheart Pact - Cyrodiil (PC/EU) - aka Tigor (AR50), Leopard Tank (AR50) , Captain-Caveman (AR50), Tigors Claw (AR50), -Bud Spencer (AR50)