Did you actually turn off "Use character settings" at the top?
Else your setings will be default at each character and you MUST set them per char. If turned of they will be used account wide.
That's about the same for each addon, dependent on their coding. But the idea is the same. Acocunt settings = for all chars at 1 account. Character settings = each char differently.
Makes totally sense as you may own 10 cahrs and only 5 doing the writs or 5 doing them with other levels and known styles etc.
If that does no save properly then check if your AntiVirus (Windows Defender etc.) got a whitelist for eso64.exe file and your documents folder /documents/elder scrolls onlien/live
Sometimes it blocks those and thus addon settings are not saved properly.
If you had added those to your antivirus/ransomeware protection as whitelist/allowed tools and folders, and it still does not save properly:
Logout, rename the file your documents folder/elder scrolls online/live/SavedVariables/DolgubonLazyWritCreater.lua to something else e.g. .lua_backup.
Update the addon AND all needed dependencies. It was updated today!
Afterwards login and configure the addon new, having ALL other addons disabled! If this still does not work then report the bug at the addon comments, telling what you tried already and what did not help:
If that does no save properly then check if your AntiVirus (Windows Defender etc.) got a whitelist for eso64.exe file and your documents folder /documents/elder scrolls onlien/live
Sometimes it blocks those and thus addon settings are not saved properly.
If you had added those to your antivirus/ransomeware protection as whitelist/allowed tools and folders, and it still does not save properly:
Logout, rename the file your documents folder/elder scrolls online/live/SavedVariables/DolgubonLazyWritCreater.lua to something else e.g. .lua_backup.
Update the addon AND all needed dependencies. It was updated today!
Afterwards login and configure the addon new, having ALL other addons disabled! If this still does not work then report the bug at the addon comments, telling what you tried already and what did not help: