Anyway to activate subtitles?

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
Hey guys,

Ya know how there's usually 1 or 2 levels of subtitles for Elder scrolls? Well, I didn't find it yet, but is there possibly a way we can have subtitles for some of the npc chat that goes on? :)
  • Mulk
    you can make it so the npc chat goes into the chat box. Click the options button on the top right of the chat box to find that.
  • GrimCyclone
    Thank you, Mulk. I'll try that. Maybe they'll add the lower middle ones like in the regular games at a later date.
  • Rial
    I remember a time in beta when subtitles were in the game. I can't comprehend why they were removed.
  • claudekennilol
    Mulk's suggestion won't work in all scenarios. I encountered a lot of quests in beta where the quest NPC's dialog was trigger from too far awary and was either too far away to be logged in the chat log or for whatever other reason simply wasn't logged. There was one quest I even abandoned and started over again just because I wanted to now what the NPC was saying and had no way of finding out.
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