Did EU Servers performance got any better after hardware upgrade?
EU PC 2000+ CP professional mudballer and pie thrower"Sheggorath, you are the Skooma Cat, for what is crazier than a cat on skooma?" - Fadomai
It has fallen off, but it it still better then before the new servers...
It has fallen off, but it it still better then before the new servers...
Sure, but it isn't comparable to how it was the week after they replaced them, and that is the problem.
We saw during that week that it is possible for ESO to run flawlessly in the absolute most strenuous circumstances possible - over 100 people in the same place, multiple ball groups, 30+ siege on the keep, etc.
Then out of nowhere, it significantly deteriorated, and has continually gotten worse since. They never once acknowledged this.
It just makes me (and many others) think that they had more server resources dedicated to cyrodiil at first, and decided to dial them back over time for whatever reason.
It has fallen off, but it it still better then before the new servers...
Sure, but it isn't comparable to how it was the week after they replaced them, and that is the problem.
We saw during that week that it is possible for ESO to run flawlessly in the absolute most strenuous circumstances possible - over 100 people in the same place, multiple ball groups, 30+ siege on the keep, etc.
Then out of nowhere, it significantly deteriorated, and has continually gotten worse since. They never once acknowledged this.
It just makes me (and many others) think that they had more server resources dedicated to cyrodiil at first, and decided to dial them back over time for whatever reason.
There are other explanations for this. One of which is a memory leak in the server code. This would explain 1) why they initially said there would be no performance changes for the new hardware and 2) why they are rewriting the entire base code.
Not saying that is what the issue is, or that you are wrong, I'm just saying there are other possible answers...
About January last year: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/595442/eso-pvp-update-updated-june-2022/p1
It has fallen off, but it it still better then before the new servers...
Sure, but it isn't comparable to how it was the week after they replaced them, and that is the problem.
We saw during that week that it is possible for ESO to run flawlessly in the absolute most strenuous circumstances possible - over 100 people in the same place, multiple ball groups, 30+ siege on the keep, etc.
Then out of nowhere, it significantly deteriorated, and has continually gotten worse since. They never once acknowledged this.
It just makes me (and many others) think that they had more server resources dedicated to cyrodiil at first, and decided to dial them back over time for whatever reason.
There are other explanations for this. One of which is a memory leak in the server code. This would explain 1) why they initially said there would be no performance changes for the new hardware and 2) why they are rewriting the entire base code.
Not saying that is what the issue is, or that you are wrong, I'm just saying there are other possible answers...
Yeah, i think it's the old code clogging up the servers over time. Are they rewriting the base code? When did they announce that?
It just makes me (and many others) think that they had more server resources dedicated to cyrodiil at first, and decided to dial them back over time for whatever reason.
It just makes me (and many others) think that they had more server resources dedicated to cyrodiil at first, and decided to dial them back over time for whatever reason.
Simple, the dialed back the about of resources being used in cyro so they could allocate more where there's a larger number of players and thus it is needed
The "proof" of this is that during the MYM events of the previous years proformance of trials and dungeons went to complete crap, all the while PvP proformance was just fine despite having three times as many campaigns running, as soon as the event ended, like a lightswitch was flicked, trial and dungeon preformance went back up and PvP choked
There are other explanations for this. One of which is a memory leak in the server code. This would explain 1) why they initially said there would be no performance changes for the new hardware and 2) why they are rewriting the entire base code.
Not saying that is what the issue is, or that you are wrong, I'm just saying there are other possible answers...
It just makes me (and many others) think that they had more server resources dedicated to cyrodiil at first, and decided to dial them back over time for whatever reason.
Simple, the dialed back the about of resources being used in cyro so they could allocate more where there's a larger number of players and thus it is needed
The "proof" of this is that during the MYM events of the previous years proformance of trials and dungeons went to complete crap, all the while PvP proformance was just fine despite having three times as many campaigns running, as soon as the event ended, like a lightswitch was flicked, trial and dungeon preformance went back up and PvP choked
That sounds plausible enough to me.
When it is a matter of operational cost of running more server capacity... of cost per logged in player in Cyro vs PVE,...
Why does ZOS then not offer an additional campaign with a higher level of server capacity and performance for an additional and separate Cyro+ subscription fee ?
Would there be no market for that ?
Would there be no players who would rather have a Cyro+ than a crafting bag ?
It just makes me (and many others) think that they had more server resources dedicated to cyrodiil at first, and decided to dial them back over time for whatever reason.
Simple, the dialed back the about of resources being used in cyro so they could allocate more where there's a larger number of players and thus it is needed
The "proof" of this is that during the MYM events of the previous years proformance of trials and dungeons went to complete crap, all the while PvP proformance was just fine despite having three times as many campaigns running, as soon as the event ended, like a lightswitch was flicked, trial and dungeon preformance went back up and PvP choked
That sounds plausible enough to me.
When it is a matter of operational cost of running more server capacity... of cost per logged in player in Cyro vs PVE,...
Why does ZOS then not offer an additional campaign with a higher level of server capacity and performance for an additional and separate Cyro+ subscription fee ?
Would there be no market for that ?
Would there be no players who would rather have a Cyro+ than a crafting bag ?
There are other explanations for this. One of which is a memory leak in the server code. This would explain 1) why they initially said there would be no performance changes for the new hardware and 2) why they are rewriting the entire base code.
Not saying that is what the issue is, or that you are wrong, I'm just saying there are other possible answers...
Well a memory leak would not explain this at all. A leak only persists while the servers are active so every time they do maintenance it would be reset. I haven't noticed any jarring performance boosts after maintenance and this has been a continual decline a little at a time for over the last year now so I'm gonna have to agree with React and say it is way way more likely they have dialed in where they want the servers to be in terms of processing power vs electricity consumption.