Race against time
Snow Treaders
Falcon Swiftness
Get rid of snare immunity from these abilities. Reduce snare immunity on all other immunity skills to 2 seconds. These abilities make every class way to mobile and provide to much for the slot of a single skill. Race against time in particular makes every class play the same in PvP. Some classes should be more mobile than others and some should be able to take damage better.
Baseline 1000 weapon damage/spell damage, baseline recovery.
This is good for new players but it should gradually reduce and be gone by level 50 or just flat out removed from the game in my opinion. This is why every class can be tanky and still do high damage. When this was released players could have 40k health with double proc sets wearing malacath and have no issues.
Higher critical resistance traits on body, legs, helm.
Remove light armor and heavy armor penalties
DrNukenstein wrote: »The free stats are the biggest problems.
Take away 1000 damage, and then it costs too much damage to run over 30k health
Take away 5-10k magicka and like 25% of passive mag sustain and RAT snare cleanse isn't a problem because it can't be spammed every 4 seconds
Take away 5-10k stamina and 25% passive stam sustain, stamina management becomes a core system of pvp instead of something that just happens
The PVP would be so vicious if they cut the free stats and sustain, and that very well may be the most impactful change ZOS can make to fix the meta.
I guess the big question is how to deliver such a hard nerf to everyone without making most of the playerbase mad.
Necrotech_Master wrote: »
if it would be limited to the pvp areas, isnt that what battle spirit would be for
it already does modifiers on -dmg output, -shield size, -healing and -hp recovery
instead of -hp recov they could do -all recovery, or some other modifier like -10% max stam/mag (just throwing numbers out)
if thats the kind of intention your going for
DrNukenstein wrote: »
That would be a good use for battle spirit, main drawback I could see is it would make PvE harder in IC and PvGuard harder in Cyrodil.
DrNukenstein wrote: »I'd enjoy having to do a little more work to smash a mob in IC, but Timmy with the 18k hp sorc might not and might be more deterred to try IC than he already is.
I think any pvp changes should have to pass the Timmy question. Would this make Timmy less likely to check out IC?