Not going lie, the nerf to Mara’s has made my already bad Templar worse. Before I could at least survive long enough to line up a combo after surviving my opponents, however a 30% nerf has actually made a big enough difference that I can’t even get through a combo with being in execute myself
Not saying Mara’s was perfectly balanced, but templars are just so under-balanced and it’s frustrating …
Not going lie, the nerf to Mara’s has made my already bad Templar worse. Before I could at least survive long enough to line up a combo after surviving my opponents, however a 30% nerf has actually made a big enough difference that I can’t even get through a combo with being in execute myself
Not saying Mara’s was perfectly balanced, but templars are just so under-balanced and it’s frustrating …
That's just not true. DK definitely has a better toolkit for survival than Templars. They have at least two burst heals that far outweigh any of Templar's abilities and one of them is a passive, lol. Then they have corrosive which we all know is insanely overpowered.
You also have to remember that one of the best things you can do to stay alive is keep pressure on your opponent. In Templar's case that's not possible which means you end up on your back bar more which means inevitably you will drain your resources at some point and eventually lose. Yeah you can stand in all your runes and heal, heavy attack and repeat but that doesn't work against more than one player and we don't want to be relegated to tank heal bots.
I don't see the point in this post. Templar is one of the most armored classes in the game. Templar's self-healing is higher than DK's. Templar is much more durable of any class, especially with the Vampire Mist change. If you can't survive then that's the problem with you. Either you play badly or you have a bad ping or computer, but certainly not in Templar. Templar nerfs didn't affect their survivability in any way.
Not going lie, the nerf to Mara’s has made my already bad Templar worse. Before I could at least survive long enough to line up a combo after surviving my opponents, however a 30% nerf has actually made a big enough difference that I can’t even get through a combo with being in execute myself
Not saying Mara’s was perfectly balanced, but templars are just so under-balanced and it’s frustrating …
Mara's balm is now completely useless in PvP. It heals ~ 500 per second, which is much less than most HOTs.
You can still be very tanky as templar. Just replace Mara's with , eg Order's Wrath. You can make the chest and legs Heavy for resists. Then you get much better critical chance and critical damage, which also boosts your heals. Put Rallying cry on the back bar.
Because templar jabs and purifying light were nerfed so badly, you still won't be able to kill anyone, (although you'll have a better chance than with Mara's which is purely defensive). But that isn't the fault of the sets.
If you are having trouble staying alive, apply purifying light at the start of the fight, this gives you a HOT. Put living dark on. With these plus channeled focus/vigor and honor the dead, you are very hard to kill.