Don’t get me wrong, I love ESO and played it for a very long time. But after playing it for as much as I have, I began to see the cracks which I could not ignore anymore. I think ESO is a beautiful world that has so much unachieved potential that it’s almost heart-breaking. The game could be one of the absolute best MMOs out there and instead it struggles to retain its own playerbase, unsure of whom to appeal to. So, why am I talking about half-baked ideas? Here’s the list.
Open world: Good: It is beautiful. Quests are voice acted. If you don’t use addons, there are rewards for exploration.
Bad: Once you have seen a few zones, you see the formula used in every single zone and expansion. X amount of delves, Y amount of world events, ETC. Stories are bland and unimaginative for the most part often following same exact formula. Run around area to collect items. Fight a baddie. Profit. Content is easy.
Dungeons: Good: Dungeon design has greatly improved from base game and everything from story to boss design to just the aesthetics is beautiful.
Bad: Dungeon finder often puts players into dungeons they have no chance at tackling. Newer dungeons are much harder and much more time consuming for the same exact reward as base game ones.
Combat: Good: Combat is …. Uh.. unique and relatively engaging enough that you don’t fall asleep at the keyboard.
Bad: The game does not teach you the proper way to engage in combat so all the new players end up pretty terrible at the game until they spend a CONSIDERABLE amount of time practicing and researching what they are doing wrong.
Classes: Good: Each class can do Tank, Healer, DPS.
Bad: No class identity for the most part. Some classes are so bad that they use only 2 or 3 skills from their class ability kit. Awful design.
Raids: Good: Again, they are beautiful and there is a difficulty scaling if you go from old raids to new.
Bad: 1 raid per YEAR. Mostly no incentives to keep running the raids after seeing them a few times.
Companions: Good: cool little pet things that follow you around.
Bad: Poorly implemented idea which was blatantly stolen from other games. More of a nuisance than anything else. They are terrible at combat, have barely any story and absolutely not customizable in any way.
Skill Lines: Good: interesting skills being offered to supplement your class’s deficiencies.
Bad: Some skills are so good that you can have classes without any class skills at all. Skill lines and stories have not been touched since release. Why not add more skills and story to Mages guild, fighter’s guild, Psyjic and so on?
PVP: Good: big open zones. 3 factions. Interesting game of war.
Bad: Sets play the game for you. Content has not been updated in years.
Gearing: Good: Horizontal progression is pretty awesome. Sets that were good back in the day, can still do well today.
Bad: All classes wear the same gear. Plethora of dead sets in the game that do nothing other than take up precious memory. Do not help improve gameplay or build variation.
Mythics: Good: Oakensoul.
Bad: All others offer absolutely no change to your gameplay and are nothing but time sinks someone has to invest into to have BiS gear. Mostly completely unimaginative.
Housing: Good: Many amazing options. Freedom to build almost whatever you desire.
Bad: Ridiculously low item limit.
Fashion: Good: Lots and lots of different sets and gear to play with.
Bad: Locked behind very expensive purchases or behind a skill wall of verteran dungeon grind.
Graphics: Good: Environment is gorgeous. Characters look good. Animations look pretty nice
Bad: Player Character has worse animations than some of the recently released set items. Spells look weak and puny considering we are meant to be slaying dragons and gods with them.
Races: Good: Many races.
Bad: Racial abilities impact the game significantly enough that if someone wants to take the game even remotely serious, they need to have an appropriate race for whatever role they want to play. While the benefits of doing this are small, they are not insignificant.
Card Game: Good: it's a game within a game?
Bad: It is very time consuming, sometimes lasting longer than it takes to run a dungeon. No impact on the actual game itself. No incentives to play.
Store: Good: items change frequently enough to make things interesting. No pay to win.... sort of.
Bad: prices are out of this world. $100 for an ingame home you cant even fully furnish? Are you out of your minds? Charging insane prices for things that can easily be acquired in game and thus praying on new players who don't know any better.
Furniture and housing items: Good: new ones co.e out every dlc.
Bad: there are so little items available in specific styles sometimes that it's hard to maintain a theme without overly repeating setups or dipping into other styles.
In conclusion I just want to say that ESO is not a bad game. Unfortunately, it falls short in absolutely everything it tries to accomplish. I feel like the team that manages it still has no idea which audience they want to cater to and thus give us this convoluted mess that seems to fall short in every regard.
Edited by washbern on March 28, 2023 6:54PM