I dont know about anyone else, but with the mount speed buff Major Gallop always active now, even if you toggle 'walk' on your mount, certain mount types like senches look absolutely ridiculous. If you are the sort of person who wants to just... I dont know, walk your mount through town for the ambience, you cant do it unless you go in and remove that skill point.
I would like the 'toogle walk' option to be a set walk speed, not effected by passives or buffs. Just a simple walk.
Purretty Please.
P.S. I know Horses at least 'trot' so it looks natural.
Zyvä (Nightblade) ~ Purricâne (Sorcerer) ~ Boñfürr (Dragonknight) ~ Cätnïp (Warden) ~ Boñespùrr (Necromancer)~ Catsänova (Templar)