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Broken sorcerer threat level

After last update, on my sorcerer, I'm getting aggro like never before.

First vBRP run after update (3dd run), using single pet (matriarch) I was over targetted by any mob.
At me they threw:
88% archer's quick shots
82% cold mage's frost bolts
65% infuser's bolts
47% spider's spits
37% beastmaster's light attacks (63% on tank after taunt, no other dd targetted)

Resulting in more damage taken than tank.
The event was repeated in subsequent runs.

Don't tell me is the matriarch, I've lot of log before update with same setup and a very different trend.

In VDSR last boss, sirens gave me 90% of their bolts.

I think something is broken. May be when you worked on pulls aggro, I dunno.
  • KilianDermoth
    Funnily I experienced some similar things to be targeted by some mechs over and over which choose randomly someone even if there were 11 other people. But I thought its just bad luck (happens) or the game just behaves odd again...

    But sometimes its predicitable, some enemies / mechs choose the person that is closest or furthest away. Not sure if that is true in your case but you might check it if you were just the furthest away (ranged, while others were melee) and got attacked because of this more often.
    Edited by KilianDermoth on March 27, 2023 9:37AM
  • MarioMario
    We are very stack at Taleria and in VBRP too, I respect your point is valid, but I don't think is the case.

    For example, in VBRP atronachs spawn at 4 corners.
    I cannot simultaneously be the furthest or closest to all of them

  • KilianDermoth
    Not to all of them, but out of 4 to 3 of them = 75%.

    But I dont know if they work that way.

    Still it could be just bad luck / a bug. Have you tried to reproduce it several times, maybe after restarting the game and / or regrouping and resetting the instance?
    Edited by KilianDermoth on March 27, 2023 11:41AM
  • MarioMario
    Im in progress for unchained, I run a lot, so is a confirmed trend.

    Some further example.


  • KilianDermoth
    But its still possible that you somehow cause this yourself. Not saying that it isnt possible that the matriarch might oddly cause this but I think its more likely that something like positioning, doing most / least damage, doing most / least healing or some kind of other measurable things cause this and while being in a progress your probably try to do things pretty similar every run, probably causing the same results every run.

    Try another aproach and see if things keep the same. For example get rid of the matriarch and see if it still happens.

    I even think that the game even doesnt have something like threat levels. Initial aggro is usually triggered by things like being the first in range, closest or doing the first hit (maybe you attack 0,1 ms earlier than your mates or you have more DoTs that trigger aggro more regularly than your mates).
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