I've already described how the designers didn't seem document a change to the Treasuries card sacrifice effect. For those not in the know, the Treasury used to be able to be used when sacrificing cards from the hand or played cards pile. Now the treasury can only be used when sacrificing cards from the played cards pile. I speculated that this change was done to help new players.
It's also the case that Grandmaster Delmene's Patron ability now says to sacrifice cards from the played cards pile. But how his ability works doesn't actually follow the description since Agents can still be sacrificed as normal with Delmene's Patron ability. Also, cards in hand can no longer be sacrificed with Delemene. That is another seemingly undocumented change and technically a nerf since you may not want to play some cards before sacrificing them in certain corner cases. I've never really liked that Delmen can be used to gain power from sacrificed Agents, but I accept it begrudgingly since players often sacrifice their own agents in a strategic way even though the strategic correct move is often keep them around. Yes even sometimes when they only have one health point left. It's also that this interaction is part of the core game at this point. It's not good, in my opinion, to change fundamental strategic points of a game.
Long story short, Delmene's Patron ability is now incorrectly worded and there are now internal inconsistencies regarding what game pieces can be sacrificed accross all of the different ways that can sacrifice a game piece. So will Delmene be further adjusted, further nerfed? We will find out.
Someone can still mistakenly click on an Agent game piece with a sacrifice effect and have a bad experience. And what about Red Eagle which has cards still able to sacrifice cards in play? Again, players can have a bad experience if they click the wrong thing when they are not paying good attention or misclick. My predictions are as follows.
The Delmene patron effect will have it's coding adjusted so that the current wording of it is correct. Yes, that means that a major use of Delmene, sacrificing Agents, will be removed. I think this because designers do want things to be worded correctly and they typically don't change their ideas. So even though sacrificing Agents has been a fundamental part of Delmene, them doing what they intended to with the most recent update will be prioritized. Remember, they want to make the game easier for low skill or new players. I also don't believe that any additional changes will occur which would make Red Eagle consistent with the Treasury or Delmene. Designers like consistency, but they also like making up reasons as to why certain things don't follow the rules that other things follow. In this case, they could say that sacrificing cards is a fundamental aspect of Red Eagle, so even they they changed the Treasury and Delmene to be more newbie friendly and to be consistent with eachother, they will be fine with Red Eagle as is.
Okay, I know that I sort of went off into fantasy land there, but tell me what you think. Hey designers, I'm a free agent and willing to work for less than you are.